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Johnny Z
Johnny Z

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Kernel Memory document ingestion

Document ingestion

Benifits of document ingestion asynchronously with Kernel Memory on Azure

  • Scalability: Easily handle large volumes of documents by distributing the workload across multiple nodes.
  • Efficiency: Process documents in parallel, reducing the overall time required for ingestion.
  • Fault Tolerance: Ensure reliability and availability by distributing tasks, so if one node fails, others can take over.
  • Resource Optimization: Utilize resources more effectively by balancing the load across the system.
  • Flexibility: Adapt to varying workloads and scale up or down as needed.

Setup distributed pipeline ingestion with Azure Queue Storage

var builder = new KernelMemoryBuilder()
        new AzureQueuesConfig
            Account = "your-blob-storage-account",
            // Or AuzreIdentity
            Auth = AzureQueuesConfig.AuthTypes.AccountKey,
            AccountKey = "your-blob-account-key"
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Once queue orchestration is registered, Kernel Memory automatically sets up DistributedPipelineOrchestrator.

Make sure pipeline handler are hosted services.

Add handlers as hosted service to start listen to messages

// Add handlers as hosted services
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Import documents asynchronously

Distributed ingestion also makes importing document asynchronous, meaning when ImportDocumentAsync returns, the document ingestion is enqueued to be processed.

await kernelMemory.ImportDocumentAsync(
    filePath: "resources/earth_book_2019_tagged.pdf",
    documentId: "earth_book_2019",
    index: "books");

// Polling for status
var status = await kernelMemory.GetDocumentStatusAsync(documentId: documentId, index: indexName);
if (status is { Completed: true })
    Console.WriteLine("Importing memories completed...");
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It is also worth noting each of the pipeline step has independant queue/posion queue on Azure Queue Storage.

Sample code here

Please feel free to reach out on twitter @roamingcode

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