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How to test traits by unit testing

As PHP traits can not be instance by its self, it seems impossible to unit test. However, by making ordinary classes that use a trait, you can write test code for traits.


trait Greetable {
    public function hello(int $repeat): string {
        return str_repeat('Hello!', $repeat);

class GreetableBeings {
    use Greetable;

class GreetableTest {
    public function testHello() {
        $g = new GreetableBeings();
        assert($g->hello(1) === 'Hello!');
        assert($g->hello(2) === 'Hello!Hello!');
        assert($g->hello(3) === 'Hello!Hello!Hello!');

(new GreetableTest)->testHello();
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Since anonymous class can be used from PHP 7, we no longer have to bother to create a class for testing.


trait Greetable {
    public function hello(int $repeat): string {
        return str_repeat('Hello!', $repeat);

class GreetableTest {
    public function testHello() {
        $g = new class { use Greetable; }; // anonymous class
        assert($g->hello(1) === 'Hello!');
        assert($g->hello(2) === 'Hello!Hello!');
        assert($g->hello(3) === 'Hello!Hello!Hello!');

(new GreetableTest)->testHello();
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Top comments (3)

reoring profile image

Nice article.

hukuzatsu profile image

I know about anonymous class in PHP7 at the first time.
Thank you for your valuable information:)

carlpham profile image

Nice article