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Shubham Srivastava
Shubham Srivastava

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Git branching strategy

Git Documentation πŸš€

Introduction on git

Git is a distributed version control system widely used in software development, known for its speed, flexibility, and resilience. It enables efficient collaboration among developers, offering features such as versioning, branching, and merging. Major hosting platforms like GitHub and GitLab leverage Git for collaborative software development.

Key Features

1. Version Control System (VCS) πŸ”„

A Version Control System helps manage and track changes in source code, documents, or any set of files over time. Git, a powerful VCS, ensures systematic versioning, providing a reliable history of changes.

2. Speed and Efficiency ⚑

Git is renowned for its speed, making it efficient even for large projects. Developers can perform operations quickly, enhancing productivity and enabling a smooth development workflow.

3. Flexibility and Branching 🌳

Git offers flexibility through its branching mechanism, allowing developers to work on different aspects of a project simultaneously. This feature promotes parallel development, making it easier to manage and merge changes without conflicts.

4. Resilience and Reliability πŸ›‘οΈ

Designed for resilience, Git ensures the integrity of version history, recovering from various issues. It provides a robust and dependable platform for version control.

Types of Git Branching Strategy

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a. Gitflow Branching Strategy 🌿

Gitflow is a popular branching strategy utilizing two main branches: master and develop. The master branch holds production-ready code, while the develop branch contains the latest development code. Feature branches stem from the develop branch, and upon completion, they are merged back into it. When the develop branch is ready for release, it merges into the master branch, creating a new release.

Gitflow is robust but complex, ideal for large projects with extended release cycles, demanding strict discipline in feature branch creation and merging.

b. Feature Branching πŸš€

Feature branching is a simple strategy where each new feature is developed on its branch. This approach allows isolated development and testing, facilitating easy rollback if needed. Feature branches originate from the master branch and merge back when the feature is complete.

Feature branching suits smaller projects or teams seeking a straightforward strategy. However, it may become unwieldy for larger projects with numerous developers and features.

c. Release Branching 🚒

Release branching involves creating a new branch for each project release. This strategy allows final testing and bug fixing on the release branch before merging into the master branch for production.

Release branching is suitable for projects with short release cycles or specific testing requirements for each release. However, managing multiple release branches simultaneously can pose challenges.

d. Hotfix Branching Strategy πŸ”₯

The Hotfix branching strategy within Git is a specialized approach designed to rapidly address critical issues in a production environment. Unlike the feature-driven nature of Gitflow, the Hotfix strategy allows for the swift resolution of urgent bugs without waiting for the regular release cycle.

When a critical issue arises, a Hotfix branch is created directly from the master branch, ensuring a basis on the latest production-ready code. This isolation prevents interference with ongoing development efforts. Developers then focus on efficiently resolving the identified issue on the Hotfix branch.

Once the Hotfix is complete, it undergoes a dual merging process. First, it is merged into the master branch for immediate deployment, rectifying the critical problem in the production environment. Second, the Hotfix branch is merged into the develop branch to ensure the fix becomes part of the ongoing development, incorporating it into future releases.

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