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Google Auth/Signin in React Native without Firebase.

Suyash Vashishtha on December 19, 2021

Google auth is one of the most commonly used Authentication methods in Mobile and web apps. Well, it is also a tricky one as compared to normal use...
geekabdul profile image
Abdul Rehman • Edited

after run this cmd keytool -list -v -keystore app/my_release_key.keystore -alias my_key_alias in my android/app. I'm getting this error

keytool -list -v -keystore app/my_release_key.keystore -alias my_key_alias
keytool error: java.lang.Exception: Keystore file does not exist: app/my_release_key.keystore
java.lang.Exception: Keystore file does not exist: app/my_release_key.keystore
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suyashdev profile image
Suyash Vashishtha

Yeah bcz you have to first generate it using keytool -genkey -v -keystore my_release_key.keystore -alias my_key_alias -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000 , then make sure you put right path in list command ( mine was app/name ).

geekabdul profile image
Abdul Rehman

Hey, after solving this I'm getting

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when i clicked signin with google button

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suyashdev profile image
Suyash Vashishtha

"Yeah, according to google, you have to put your Release Keystore key in Google Console "

4rth heading point in the blog 😅

karthidreamer profile image
Karthi Keyan

put this instead this assumes you are inside app folder

keytool -list -v -keystore ./my_release_key.keys
tore -alias my_key_alias```

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raj7seasol profile image

Thanks man it worked for me

afonsojorge profile image

Man I did everything I mean every line and im still getting LOG [Error:DEVELOPER_ERROR] ive been trying to fix this without exporting everything Ive done to firebase in the hopes that doind so would make it work. Do you have any other ideas as to why the error would still show up even after following everything you said down to the line?

suyashdev profile image
Suyash Vashishtha

This error basically comes due to Release SHA Key... make sure you paste the same release key in console which your building app with...

Make sure you did 4.1 step correctly (replace debug SHA keystore with release )

afonsojorge profile image

Ended up adding the google-services.json from firebase which allows you to input both the SHA Key from debug.keystore in User/.android/bin and the one in the project directory android/app folder so now it works.

Cheers anyways and for release I´ll just follow what you did except I´ll put the generated SHA Key on firebase and redownload the google-services.json.

dsantacruz profile image
Diego Santa Cruz • Edited

I got an error with code 10, It was because I had generated the sha-1 with the keystore of the root of my computer; generate with the keystore of the react native project that comes inside the android / app / debug.keystore folder and copy console google oauth android and works.
keytool -keystore android/app/debug.keystore -list -v

suyashdev profile image
Suyash Vashishtha

Yeah I clearly mentioned that. Although thanks for pointing it, might help someone with similar case :)

felixkrautschuk profile image

My Google SignIn works when running a debug build on device/emulator and even when running a release build with our release keystore on device/emulator.

But when I upload our release aab to Google Play and download it via internal test, I always get Error Code 10 after I tapped the SignIn Button and choose the account.

I double-checked that the app package name in the OAuth Client in Google Cloud Console is correct and I already added the SHA1-fingerprint from the App Signing section in Google Play Console.

Can anyone help? Thanks in advance!

felixkrautschuk profile image

never mind, I just found out that there is a separate SHA-fingerprint section for internal testing in Google Play Console, so I had to add another OAuth client ID in cloud console, now it is working

mudit18th profile image
Mudit Kashyap

I am getting this error [Error: A non-recoverable sign in failure occurred]

karimscript profile image

Any solution for this error ?
Im using release keystore SHA-1 with firebase.

santiago_sarmiento_132cc1 profile image
santiago sarmiento

Could you solve it?

yue_wang_4a9247785b7daddb profile image
Yue Wang

This is the only guide that works after researching everywhere else.

For those who followed the post and still get an error, remember to also create 2 more android credentials with the SHA-1 you find from google play console. The URL is here:

I created a account just to comment on this post. hanks so much for the guide!

enggumarpu profile image
Mohammad Umar

Hey, I am facing an issue regarding google login. I have two components in my React Native app, Login and Signup, on Login I click google login button, pop up opens, user clicks its gmail and gets login, fine no issue.
Even I cancel the pop-up right status code is triggered and flow works as expected.

When I click same google login button in Signup, pop-up opens, if i cancel the pop-up statusCodes.SIGN_IN_CANCELLED should trigger but instead statusCodes.IN_PROGRESS gets triggered and I get this error,

Error: Sign-in in progress
Error Code: 12502

Any thoughts what I am doing wrong, or any configuration is missing ?

fistelectro profile image

Ahh finally found something really useful, was stuck on this for days. Thank you

neha_gupta_d62546fa1ecb67 profile image
Neha Gupta

I followed all the steps but nothing happens at GoogleSignin.signIn(), no error too. I get true as response from GoogleSignin.hasPlayServices().

santiago_sarmiento_132cc1 profile image
santiago sarmiento

Hi ! I did everything and im getting:

[Error: A non-recoverable sign in failure occurred]

When i try the GoogleSingUp Function.

Any ideas ?

ajay957582 profile image

if we are using web client id , then why we generated the android client ?