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Reverse a String in JavaScript

Swarnali Roy on September 06, 2021

Reversing a String is indeed one of the most common and needed operations in JavaScript. During the journey of any Software Developer's career, a v...
star_trooper profile image
Atharva Shirdhankar

After long time you published blog,
The blog you write is in well formated way✨.
Thanks 👍

swarnaliroy94 profile image
Swarnali Roy

Thank you so much, keep following and supporting ☺️ ☺️

star_trooper profile image
Atharva Shirdhankar

Hey can I suggest you one thing!

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swarnaliroy94 profile image
Swarnali Roy

Yes definitely you can..

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star_trooper profile image
Atharva Shirdhankar

Can you add snippet of code in such format into your blog.

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star_trooper profile image
Atharva Shirdhankar

Even I have used in my blog the same snippet

And I have not written the blog in well formatted (text)way but yes due the snip format it is looking great.

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swarnaliroy94 profile image
Swarnali Roy

I haven't tried this ever. How can I get this format? Is it any app like vs code? Let me know. i will try

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star_trooper profile image
Atharva Shirdhankar

You can make your own snippet using "carbon" snippet creator.

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swarnaliroy94 profile image
Swarnali Roy

Oh thanks a lot! I'll keep this on my mind. :D

rafipiccolo profile image
Raphael Piccolo


jonrandy profile image
Jon Randy 🎖️ • Edited
const reverseStr = str => [...str].reduce((r,s)=>s+r)

reverseStr("Hello")  // olleH
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swarnaliroy94 profile image
Swarnali Roy

Oh yeah, its another method which I didn't mention, I can add it now. Thank you for reminding ☺️

tracygjg profile image
Tracy Gilmore

Lovely article Swarnali. I have another approach for you to consider:
const reverseString = ([...str]) => str.reverse().join('');

console.log(reverseString('abcdefg')); // 'gfedcba' on console.

swarnaliroy94 profile image
Swarnali Roy

This is another good approach, I didn't know about this one before. Thank you so much!!

atnbueno profile image
Antonio Bueno • Edited

The regex can be simpler (a period is already a single character, and case sensitivity does not affect it):

let regex = /./g
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swarnaliroy94 profile image
Swarnali Roy

Thank you for the suggestion. This is a better one

linrstudio profile image

thank you! but emoji?

swarnaliroy94 profile image
Swarnali Roy

Sorry, I didn't understand , do you want to know from where I'm getting the emojis?
this is the link from where you can copy the name of the emoji and paste it wherever you want in your blog

linrstudio profile image

sorry. my question is how to reverse a strings include emoji ? thank you

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swarnaliroy94 profile image
Swarnali Roy

Oh okay.. I'll try to upload that solution ASAP. ☺️

dougaws profile image

Can you instrument the algorithms? Which is fastest, slowest?

rafipiccolo profile image
Raphael Piccolo • Edited

Damn useless :) I'm not gonna need any of these functions in my whole life, but you have some interesting solutions here indeed. Nice post

swarnaliroy94 profile image
Swarnali Roy

Thank you!

krishrahul98 profile image
Rahul Krishna

Great content. But most of the above methods will fail if you are using UTF-16 character.

robertbadams profile image
Robert Adams

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