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Syahiruddin Daud
Syahiruddin Daud

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Is ChatGPT suffering from a severe case of 'laziness' 🦥 or has it simply decided to take a vacation 🏖️ from intelligence?

There was a lot of talk about ChapGPT, and new discoveries were happening all the time. I noticed that the more I used it, the less effective it became. The world's most powerful AI model used to be seen as the peak of intelligence, but now it seems "lazier" and "dumber."

As the months flew by, I couldn't help but notice that the LLM was starting to resemble me on a Monday morning. Its performance was definitely taking a nosedive.

Remember when we used to believe that AI could dominate the world and was afraid of having to submit to an AI overlord? But now, it's more like a dial-up connection, churning out results that are as accurate as a blindfolded dart thrower. It's always coming up with these wild suggestions that are so off the mark, which required significant manual intervention.

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This regression has had a significant impact on my productivity and coding experience. Instead of being an empowering tool, the LLM now feels like a burden that requires constant validation and correction. The trust I once placed in its abilities has eroded, and I find myself double-checking almost every suggestion it makes. It feels like working with a 1-star developer from Fiverr. I guess the hype train has lost its steam.

What do you think? has ChapGPT become lazy or dumber? Is it a result of overuse or perhaps a lack of updates and improvements? But maybe as technology evolves, it will become more intelligent. As of now, I don't see it as a replacement for human intelligence and would not want to rely on it.

Let me know in the comment 💬 below.

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