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Syamlal CM
Syamlal CM

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Is artificial intelligence dangerous? 5 AI risks everyone should know about.

Our most significant gift is that we can think and work based on our thinking, but you must have noticed that we sometimes put ourselves in danger because of our thinking only. This fact about human intelligence which is also known as Natural intelligence that's in a person. But what about Artificial intelligence, do you think that artificial intelligence is too dangerous for us?

If you want to know more about the risks of AI and to clarify is AI dangerous thoroughly? Then do follow this article till the end, as in this article, we are going to discuss 5 AI risks everyone should know about.

A brief introduction to AI

Artificial intelligence is the thinking power that digital computers and such devices have. As we humans have our intelligence, the same is the case with computers they have artificial intelligence.

Do you know that John McCarthy is the father of AI, and he was able to invent artificial intelligence by adding several developments in The Logic Theorist, which was designed by Newell and Simon?

This was all about a small intro about AI, let us now have a look at some benefits and uses of artificial intelligence.

  • You would be able to get complete work and that too 24/7 with the help of your machines that AI sets up. Moreover, there would be no need for a human to operate those machines, as they would work on their own.
  • If you are using a smartphone or have it in your life, then it means that you are also using AI in several ways. Some of the methods are like using the assistant in our smartphones. With the help of this, we can let our smart device do the work with our voice commands. With the help of AI, you can get a better result in the maps that you use in your smartphones.
  • Facial recognition features are now available on almost every smart device, no matter if it's your smartphone or laptop. This is also provided to us by AI only, and now it's being used worldwide.
  • Various banks and financial departments are using artificial intelligence for numerous works and some of those works are to handle the accounting work, calling, and form filling works. Many more such things are handled by AI efficiently.
  • Helping in several medical sectors works. Various new devices have been introduced with the help of which we can know about any health problems that we are facing, with its solution and these devices are also working based on AI.

I know this won't cover all the topics. But you can refer to the “Complete guide to AI” article to learn more. Let us now move toward the central section: Is AI dangerous?

Is AI dangerous?

Before moving forward, I have a question for you, tell me about one such thing, which is not dangerous for us in any way. I am sure that you would have to put a lot of pressure on your brain, but even then also you would be unable to find at least a single such product.

The same is the case with AI. Yes, I know that AI is beneficial and has a lot of potential in it with the help of which it is helping in several works. But the fact is also true that AI is dangerous.

Moreover, when AI was introduced during that time, several people were sure that in the future AI could become a risk to the human world. So let us have a look at the risks that AI has and everyone should know about.

5 AI risks everyone should know about

There are numerous risks of using AI, but the top 5 AI risks that everyone should know about are as follows-

1. Weaponized Programming

You must have heard that AI is being used by the security forces of various countries, with the help of which they are creating robot soldiers who will fight for them during wartime. But the most significant risk is that those robots are designed to shoot enemies for which they are also provided with weapons, but in case even a single set of those robots gets wrong, then they can even start shooting their forces.

This states that we cannot entirely rely on AI for almost everything.

2. Social Control

AI is targeting our privacy in an all-new way and we are not even able to imagine that our privacy is in danger. With the help of social media, AI can know several things about us, in which there are our likings, interests, and many more such things. Through this we are being targeted with marketing strategies, and we are forced to buy a thing that we like with the help of those marketing and psychological strategies.

3. Privacy Invasion

I don't know why we become blind while using social media and other such things, where we are openly sharing several personal details about ourselves. All these things are being caught up with the help of AI. Hence the companies or organizations behind it can track us and our every move online easily.

Hence the collected data about a particular person is being used in several ways, which is also a risk factor of AI.

4. Higher Intelligence

As we have mentioned above AI has enormous potential, and can be used for several good things, but being a product with a higher potential, it becomes tough to control it. You might have heard that once Facebook created two AI programs, that started chatting with each other, it became out of control.

5. Wrong Deeds

Once someone got access to any AI program if they programmed it to do something wrong, then no one would be able to control it. Although we are saying that AI is highly potential, helpful, and knowledgeable, we forget that it's programmable and can be used to do any work.


As discussed in the last point AI can be beneficial, but it is a programmable product, that can be modified to do any work, no matter good or bad. With that, we have come to the end of this article in which we had a look at the top 5 risks of AI that everyone should know.

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