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Had to use the windows cmd...

Yesterday, i had to use the windows cmd for a while. Yes, you are right dear reader... that was so wrong.

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๐Ÿ˜… I don't want to do this again. But anyway, here are my notes on it:

Item Description
f7 Brings up the command history of your cmd session
;,space,tab,= Those are the standard delimiters. Those are basicly whitespace
doskey Sets an alias for a command. "doskey alias=OldCommand"
Rem, :: Starts a comment
move moves stuff
ren renames stuff
copy copies stuff
del deletes stuff
RD, RMDIR deletes Folders
net use lists all mapped network drives
net use a: maps the network drive to the letter
net use a: /delete deletes the mapped drive

If you want to delete the whole folder recursive the statement has to look like this:

rmdir folderName /S /Q 
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Top comments (2)

taijidude profile image

Thank you for the advice. :-) I use powershell a lot. But in this particular case i had to do work in server with minimal rights and an old windows Version which didn't come with powershell.

taijidude profile image

Rightfully so! Powershell can be a huge help. Because i like powershell so much, i poked a bit fun at the cmd with the crying in the shower GIF. ๐Ÿ˜Š