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Taki (Kieu Dang)
Taki (Kieu Dang)

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Understanding Type and Interface in Typescript


What is interface:

  • An interface is a way to define the shape or structure of an object in Typescript.
  • It is primarily used to describe the blueprint for object, ensure that they adhere to a specific structure.

Key Features:

1. Used for Object Structure

  • Defines properties, method and their types.
interface User {
username: string, 
password: string,
email?: string // this is optional property

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2. Suports Extending:

  • Interface can extend other interfaces to inherit properties.
interface Address {
street: string,
city: string
interface User extends Address {
username: string,
password: string,
email?: string

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3. Class can implement interfaces:

  • Enforces that a class adheres to the interface structure.
class Admin implements User {
  username: string
  password: string
  email?: string
  street: string
  city: string

  constructor(username: string, password:string, street:string, city:string, email?:string){
    this.username = username;
    this.password = password; = email || '';
    this.street = street; = city;

var aAdmin = new Admin("user1", "123", "3/2 street", "hcmc");

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Admin {
  username: 'user1',
  password: '123',
  email: '',
  street: '3/2 street',
  city: 'hcmc'

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4. Can declare function

  • Interfaces can declare function signatures
interface AddUser{
  (name: string) : void;

const user : AddUser = (name) => console.log(`Hello ${name}`);
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What is Type:

  • A type is a flexible way to define a type alias for almost anything in Typescript.
  • It can describe objects, unions, intersections, tuples, and more.

Key Features:

1. Alias for any type:

  • Can define primitive types, objects, or even unions and intersections.
type UserType = {
  id: string,
  name: string
type ID = string | number; //Union type

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2. Support Intersection Types:

  • Combine multiple types into one
type UserType = {
  id: string,
  name: string

type AddressType = {
  street: string,
  city: string,
type UserWithAddress = UserType & AddressType;
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3. Support Tuples:

  • Can define fixed-length arrays with specific types for each element.
type Coordinates = [number, number];
const point: Coordinates = [10, 20];

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4. Cannot be reopened:

  • Unlike interfaces, you cannot redeclare or extend an existing type.
class AdminType extends UserType {
  // ERROR: 'UserType' only refers to a type, but is being used as a value here.ts(2693)
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Key differences between Interface and Type

Aspect Interface Type
Usage Define Object structure Flexible: can be define objects, unions, intersections, tuples.
Extensibility Can be extended using extends Can be combined using & (intersection).
Reopen/Declartion Can be reopened to add new properties. Cannot be reopened.
Primitive Type Cannot represent primitives directly. Can alias primitive (e.g,.type ID = string);
Union and Typle Support Not supported. Fully supported

When to Use Interface vs. Type

Use Interface:

  • When describing the shape of an object or when working with classes.
interface User {
  id: number;
  name: string;

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Use Type:

  • When defining union or tuples, or any advanced type definitions.
type UserOrAdmin = User | Admin;

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Combining Type:

interface User {
id: number,
name: string,
email?: string

type Admin = User & {role: string};
const admin: Admin = {
id: 1,
name: 'Takie.Dang',
role: 'Administrator'

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Best Practise:

  1. Use interface for describing object and Type for everything else.
  2. Use Type for more advanced use cases like unions or intersections.
  3. Choose interface for consistency if you work in a team that refers it

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