from logging import basicConfig, ERROR
from google.genai import Client
from google.genai.types import AutomaticFunctionCallingConfig, Content, FunctionResponse, \
GenerateContentConfig, Part
from requests import get
def get_weather(latitude: str, longitude: str) -> str:
response = get(f'{latitude}&longitude={longitude}¤t=temperature_2m')
data = response.json()
temperature = data['current']['temperature_2m']
return str(temperature)
# process the given function call
def process_function_call(function_calls):
# we can have more than one function call in a single response
for function_call in function_calls:
# if we don't know the function, we raise an error
if != 'get_weather':
raise Exception(f'Unknown function call: {}')
# calling our weather API
temperature = get_weather(**function_call.args)
# bulding the object representing the call (this one was hard to figure it out!)
function_response = FunctionResponse(name='get_weather', response={'result': temperature})
part = Part(function_response=function_response)
content = Content(parts=[part], role='function')
# adding the result of the call to the chat history
# Gemini client
client = Client()
# we are keeping track of the chat history ourselves (and not via "session" from google's library)
chat_history = []
response = None
while True:
# if we got a function call
if response and response.function_calls:
# else it's just a regular prompt, as user for input
user_input = input('You: ').strip()
# buliding the object representing the user prompt
part = Part(text=user_input)
content = Content(role='user', parts=[part])
# adding the user prompt to the chat history
# calling Gemini passing the current chat history and registering our weather API (with automatic function calling disabled)
response = client.models.generate_content(
# getting the Gemini response content
response_content = response.candidates[0].content
# adding the Gemini response to the chat history, this time we don't need to build the object ourselves
# getting the Gemini reply text out of the response object
response_text =[0].text if else None
# printing the Gemini response (if any)
if response_text:
print('Gemini: ', response_text)
Running it:
You: hey what can you do for me
Gemini: I can fetch weather information for a specific latitude and longitude. Just let me know the coordinates!
You: whats the weather in 43,-75 right now
Gemini: The weather is -8.3 degrees.
Using google-genai
package at version 1.2.0
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