DEV Community

Tanoy Basak
Tanoy Basak

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Automatic Batching in React 18

React 18 introduces automatic batching to optimize updates and improve performance. Batching is the process of grouping multiple state updates into a single re-render, reducing unnecessary renders and making updates more efficient.

In previous versions of React, batching was limited to event handlers (e.g., clicks, input changes), but in asynchronous code like setTimeout, Promise, or async functions, state updates were not batched automatically. React 18 expands this batching to cover more cases, including asynchronous code.

How Automatic Batching Works:
When multiple setState calls are made, React now automatically batches these updates together, whether they happen inside an event handler, a timeout, or any asynchronous function. This ensures that React re-renders only once, no matter how many state updates occur in between.

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Key Benefits:

  • Performance: Reduces the number of renders when multiple state updates occur, making apps faster.

  • Cleaner Code: Developers no longer need to worry about manually batching updates in async code.

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