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Piyush Chhabra
Piyush Chhabra

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Warp Terminal: The New Frontier in Developer Tools

As a seasoned developer, I've spent countless hours working within terminal environments, and recently, I decided to switch from iTerm to Warp Terminal. This decision was driven by several factors, including Warp's modern features, superior performance, and innovative AI capabilities. In this blog post, I'll discuss my transition and the reasons behind it.

Why Switch from iTerm to Warp?

Both iTerm2 and Warp are popular terminals, but they differ in key aspects. iTerm2 is a robust macOS-native terminal known for its scripting capabilities and plugins 1. However, Warp offers an AI-powered cloud-native terminal solution with seamless collaboration and extensive customization.

My decision to switch was influenced by several key features of Warp:

  • Modern Editing Features: Unlike traditional terminals like iTerm2, Warp allows you to click anywhere on your current command line to insert your cursor at that spot. This feature proved to be super useful to me.

  • Visual Appeal and User Experience: Warp pairs inputs with their outputs and highlights them as you navigate your terminal history. Warp calls these pairs "blocks".

  • Custom Workflows: This is the best feature of warp for me. Workflows are your saved commands with variable parameters. You can run any of your pre-saved commands and just change the variable argument in that on the fly. Can't ask for anything more

  • Speed and Efficiency: Built with Rust, Warp is optimized for speed and efficiency. Warp's CPU and memory consumption is about a third of what iTerm2 uses on my machine.

  • AI Capabilities: Warp's integrated AI capabilities, powered by OpenAI APIs, can convert natural language into executable shell commands. This means you can ask Warp AI to debug errors, write scripts, or guide you through the next steps.


While iTerm2 is a reliable and advanced terminal emulator, Warp offers a host of unique features that make it a compelling alternative. With its modern editing features, visual appeal, speed, and integrated AI, Warp is not just a terminal; it’s a tool that can enhance your terminal experience and help you code more efficiently.

If you're considering making a similar transition, give Warp a try. You might find that it's the terminal you've been waiting for 🪄 🪄.

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