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Akande Toluwalase Elias
Akande Toluwalase Elias

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The User Won't Notice


A lot of times when building software, you are faced with a product manager, team lead, UX engineer, etc breathing down your neck and asking you to fix a bug or user experience fault you ordinarily know the user won't notice. Sometimes it might not even be a bug requiring a fix, it might just be the person asking you to dedicate some extra time and energy to improve user experience. Then you get stressed and yell, could be under your breath if you value your job or loudly 'The User won't even notice!'


You could even come up with a valid argument that you didn't notice how buggy a lot of software we interact with daily are until you started building software.

So, this is what happens. Users might never notice the bugs and user experience flaws in your software but they will surely take a toll on the users. The users will just know that they do not enjoy using the software. They might not be able to point out the reason but they'd just knowšŸ˜, then they want to spend less time using the software and eventually, they just stop using it. That is really bad for you.

Next time before you yell due to the stress, you could just take some time to de-stress and listen to those guys. They are right most of the time.

You are welcome!

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