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Nischay Gowda
Nischay Gowda

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Unlearn and Re-Learn right way at 25


Turn 25 this year, lived quarter-life, a graduate, working earning Adult. I have sort of a laid-out plan for future self, a rough plan, let's say an outline maybe entrepreneur, Developer or explorer, let's see.

So I took a bit of time to reflect back, to track my present path, and maybe try to join the dots, corrections if necessary. I'm mean hey as if everything goes as planned. 🤣

Little did I realize, I wasn't going as planned. In fact, It hasn't been correct since school. To be honest, all these years whatever I have learned was only of book knowledge, learning what was only enough to pass the exam. 😑

I wouldn't say all is lost, that was how things were back then. Get good marks in 10th go to nice college for High school, get good marks there get good college for Under Grad, then a job, life is settled.😅

Even now this would be fine to take up and normal. End of story. If that's what I want or you as a reader want, stop here. I/you are settled.🎉

Connecting Dots — Future

What has already happened can't be changed, but what you can do is go about going forward. I realized to be the best at what you are or want to be, you should have clarity, in-depth conceptual understanding.

So, at 25 I would want myself to learn with more clarity and conceptual. Starting with change with how to learn anything that's new or what you already know, but not in-depth.

Upon a bit of research, I came across this Course on Coursera, Learning How to LearnBarbara Oakley and Dr. Terrence Sejnowski as the name suggests it teaches you from scratch to learn concepts in depth using focused learning, chunking, and other neurological concepts which will help you to learn and remember these concepts better and be an expert.


I would want to implement this new change in the way I learn new things or things I already know to learn better.

If you have any other way or techniques which you know or come across please let me know in the comments below.

Follow for more short write-ups and clap if you like this. See you soon with a follow-up of my progress.

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