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Welcome Thread - v181

cartoon with headphones saying hi

Welcome to DEV!

  1. Leave a comment below to introduce yourself! You can talk about what brought you here, what you're learning, or just a fun fact about yourself.

  2. Reply to someone's comment, either with a question or just a hello. 👋

Great to have you in the community!

Top comments (165)

wagner_barros_85adaee767f profile image
Wagner Barros

Hello everybody
My name is Wagner Barros.
I found you guys when I was customizing my Github profile.
I'm a beginner in TI, in my first steps.
My interest is to know the HTML, CSS and JavaScript languages, to try to develop some project.
I confess that it is very challenging but not impossible.
I hope to count on the experience of all of you

jarvisscript profile image
Chris Jarvis

Welcome to DEV!

chrisgreening profile image
Chris Greening

Lots of great knowledge/support to be gained in the DEV community, welcome Wagner!

Best of luck on your journey, you're doing great!

wagner_barros_85adaee767f profile image
Wagner Barros

Thanks a lot for the feetback

geesilu profile image
Luthira Geesilu

Welcome to the community!

martyofmca profile image
Martin Amankwaa

Welcome onboard Wagner 😊

jamiu_adesina profile image
Jamiu Adesina


wagner_barros_85adaee767f profile image
Wagner Barros

Dear Jamiu Adesina
Thank you very much.
I'm very happy to be part of this team.

jthnjsf profile image
Jathin Emmanuel Joseph


Hope you have a great time ahead.

algpym profile image
ana palma

I'm with you, same learning, and up for the challenge!! Can't wait for it!

ajithmonilm profile image
Ajith • Edited

This is the reaction to React JS :-). I am here for the javascript, typescript and all that goes in around and along with it to write some code and create some UIs and then may a Product sometime in future.

chrisgreening profile image
Chris Greening

Welcome to the community! Can't wait to see what you build :D

ajithmonilm profile image

:D ... Thanks for that I hope .... :D

tannerhornsby7 profile image

hello Ajith, I am also interested in making UI's!

wagner_barros_85adaee767f profile image
Wagner Barros

The best

tannerhornsby7 profile image

Hello, my name is Tanner. I am an aspiring flutter dev and I came here to learn!

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

Welcome to DEV!

Multiple TV and movie characters giving a thumbs up

tannerhornsby7 profile image
chrisgreening profile image
Chris Greening

That's great Tanner, welcome to the community!! :D

tannerhornsby7 profile image

Hi Chris. Thanks, glad to be here!

emanuel684 profile image
Emanuel Acevedo Muñoz

Hey, my name is Emanuel, i am from Colombia Medellin. I work has a software developer, and also, i am a student in data science engineer.

jarvisscript profile image
Chris Jarvis


chrisgreening profile image
Chris Greening

Heyo Emanuel, that's fantastic! Love meeting fellow data scientists and engineers, welcome to the community!

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

Welcome to DEV! 👋

Whale hello there!

8bitsouvik profile image
Souvik Mandal

Hello devs, I'm Souvik Mandal.
I'm doing web development since 2 years..
And after working with various frameworks and libraries in javascript now I claim myself as a full-stack JavaScript developer. But as you know learning never ends, I'm still learning various stuffs now.

Till now I've learnt:
Front-end: reactJS, NextJS, tailwind, sass, React Native, Socket IO, Gatsby, template engines with express (ejs, handlebars)
Back-end: Express JS, CMS (strapi), graphQL
Database: mongoDB, mongoose, mySQL, redis
DevOps & others: docker, CI/CD, GCP, Firebase, dealing with various kind of APIs etc.

Some of my project are published publicly in my GitHub ( check my "gofer-go" project)

Let's talk about what should we focus more to learn,
Any kind of doubt about anything, let's discuss..
And please recall me to collaborate for any project 😀

yusufxcode profile image

intresting journey, keep up mate.

divya4879 profile image

Hello fellow learners and respected mentors
It's Divya this side!
I am an Indian
I got to know about this amazing community through a Udacity course
Hope to learn lots, build amazing projects and increase my network
Am excited for this journey
my LinkedIn profile-
Let's connect

codert0109 profile image
Vasyl K

Welcome to dev community.
This is Tani, full stack develpoer.
Am excited to meet you here.
Let's start our journey towards top IT engineer.
Thanks for reading.

divya4879 profile image
Divya4879 • Edited

Yes sir, let's work hard to achieve our goals

moose_said profile image
Mostafa Said

Welcome everyone 🤩

pyrsmk profile image
Aurélien Delogu


sunkaixdd profile image

Hello, everybody.
My name is Sun Kai. I come from China.
I found Dev accidentally when I searched golang's Pprof information. I am a programmer by profession, and I am good at shell, Python and Golang. Nice to meet you

paulgildea profile image
Paul Gildea

Hey folks!

I'm a Product Manager working on Fluent UI React and I'm here to share out code examples to help up level dev experience with the UI library. Interested in feedback and ideas on what kind of things to share out in the future.

Pleased to meet everyone! 👋

adesanyadavid profile image
David Adesanya

Hello everyone
I'm Adesanya 'Tito
I'm a newbie Java/Springboot developer
I'm currently working on an online pharmacy that matches users with closest pharmacies around them when they search for products.
I'm here to learn from as many people as I can because as much as too many cooks spoil the broth, I believe advices from experienced cooks regardless of how many they are only makes the broth better.

yuridevat profile image
Julia 👩🏻‍💻 GDE

Hi Adesanya, welcome to the community 👋

laplace125 profile image
Akano Olayinka Afeez

Hi here.
Venturing fully into JavaScript brought me here.

chrisgreening profile image
Chris Greening

Best of luck on your journey - welcome to the community!!!!

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

Welcome to DEV!

Spiderman swinging by to say hello

zigrazor profile image

Welcome everybody,

I share with you my Open Source Projects that I'm working on:

GitHub logo ZigRazor / CXXGraph

Header-Only C++ Library for Graph Representation and Algorithms




codecov CodeFactor

GitHub license GitHub release

LGTM Alerts LGTM Grade

Generic badge Generic badge Generic badge

Generic badge Generic badge

Join the chat at

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CXXGraph is a small library, header only, that manages the Graph and it's algorithms in C++. In other words a "Comprehensive C++ Graph Library" An alternative to Boost Graph Library (BGL).

We are Looking for...

We are looking for:

  • Site Developer for the development of the CXXGraph site ( for the moment on GitHub Page );
  • Developers and Committers, also at first experience, we will guide you step by step to the open-source world!

If you are interested, please contact us at or contribute to this project. We are waiting for you!


Completed Description Date of Completition
✔️ First Optimization Apr 4, 2022
📝 Add Benchmark for all algorithms TBD
📝 Code Optimization TBD
📝 Release 0.4.0 TBD
📝 "Const" Code Review #155 TBD
📝 Release 0.5.0 TBD
📝 Official Site Release TBD
📝 Reduction of Code Issue of Static

GitHub logo ZigRazor / CXXMicroService

A C++ Library that give microservice framework ( Server / Client ) upon 0mq framework


A C++ Library that give microservice framework ( Server / Client )

codecov CodeFactor

GitHub license GitHub release

LGTM Alerts LGTM Grade

Generic badge Generic badge Generic badge

Generic badge Generic badge


CXXMicroService is a C++ library, that manages MicroServices, upon different Framework ( actually only 0mq is implemented).

We are Looking for...

We are looking for:

  • Site Developer for the development of the CXXMicroService site ( for the moment on GitHub Page );
  • Developers and Committers, also at first experience, we will guide you step by step to the open-source world!

If you are interested, please contact us at or contribute to this project. We are waiting for you!


Completed Description Date of Completition
✔️ First Commit May 2, 2022
✔️ Introduce the basic Framework May 24, 2022
📝 Introduction of more complete Examples TBD
📝 Introduction of Orchestrator TBD
📝 Introduction of Unit Test Framework TBD
✔️ Introduction of basic CI/CD Jun 6, 2022
📝 Advanced CI/CD TBD
📝 First Beta Release

GitHub logo ZigRazor / MTL

Multi Thread Library

MTL (Multi Threading Library)


Contributors Forks Stargazers Issues GPL-3.0 License

Multi Threading Library is a set of utilities, easy and ready to use for common task in multi threading environment and development.


  • Thread Class
  • Thread Manager
  • Thread Pool
  • Task Class
  • Ordered Task
  • Task Flow
  • Complete Documentation
  • Doxygen Integration
  • First Beta Release
  • Test Framework
  • CI/CD Pipeline
  • First Stable Release
  • Thread Monitoring
  • ...

See the open issues for a full list of proposed features (and known issues).

Getting Started

This is an example of how you may give instructions on setting up your project locally To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.


The following are required to get the project up and running.

Google Test


git clone  # Dowload the Google Test repository
cd googletest                                       # Main directory of the cloned repository.
mkdir -p build                                      # Create a directory to hold the build output.
cd build                                            # Move
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

GitHub logo ZigRazor / PyStateMachine

Python State Machine


python Python State Machine

CodeFactor Codacy Badge

DeepSource DeepSource


PyStateMachine is a Framework that support state machines in Python


  • Python3

How to Run

Work in Progess


Work in Progess

Test Suite

Work in Progress

How to contribute GitHub contributors



We are pleased to inform you that this repository is participating in the #Hacktoberfest!

Happy Coding!


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GitHub Profile Profile views

ZigRazor's github stats


To support me just add Star the project GitHub stars or follow me GitHub followers

To get updated watch the project GitHub watchers

Project Info

Readme Card

kodingkhurram profile image
Mohammed Khurram

Hello Devs,

My name is Mohammed Khurram
Got to know about DEV from github profile.

I'am a graduate engineer, graduated at PES university, Btech computer science 2022.
Not a big developer guy but interested in learning new things.

Web development, PowerShell, Power Platforms, Java, doing some silly things with programming, these are my interests.

Very happy to join this community.

codert0109 profile image
Vasyl K

I am Tani Kichiro from Japan.
Nice to meet you.
I want to develop my technical skills with you.
I am full stack developer who has experience over 5 years.
Mostly in ReactJS, VueJS, ExpressJS, MongoDB, MSSQL, NextJS and so on.
I am learning React Native which is one of the hottest libraries in mobile app development.
Thanks in advance to help me with technical issue and help me getting some jobs with above stacks.
Thanks again for reading my first blog.
Best Regards.

codert0109 profile image
Vasyl K • Edited

Hi, Everyone.
My name is Tani from Japan.
I am very glad to introduce to you myself.
I am a fullstack developer experienced in mostly MERN, MEAN.
I am learning about dart language to develop Flutter app because I think this is one of the hottest libraries in mobile/web.
Thanks in advance to help me with high technical skills and introduce me some jobs.
Thanks so much again for attention in my first blog.