
Cover image for How to release a new gem version in thirty seconds
Thomas Hareau
Thomas Hareau

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How to release a new gem version in thirty seconds

A while back I wrote a post explaining how we release new
versions of safe-pg-migrations.
The process is manual and a bit annoying to do.

I recently experimented process automation through GitHub action. Though there is one drawback in term of security,
new gem versions can be released in two clicks.

The Anatomy of a Release

A release typically comprises three essential elements: the version number, the .gem file and a "release" on the project's repository.

The Version Number:

Every release is tied to a version number. This numbering scheme, adhering to the Semantic versioning policies, follows the format of MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, where:

  • MAJOR version is incremented for backward-incompatible changes.
  • MINOR version is incremented for backward-compatible additions.
  • PATCH version is incremented for backward-compatible bug fixes.

By adhering to Semantic Versioning, developers and users can quickly grasp the extent of changes introduced in a release and make informed decisions about compatibility and adoption.

The .gem File:

The .gem file is a crucial artifact generated from the gem's source code using the "gem build" command.

A few gem files

This file encapsulates the gem's functionality. Publishing the .gem file on RubyGem allows developers to access, install, and utilize the gem effortlessly within their own projects. It serves as a packaged version of the gem, ensuring that others can benefit from the latest updates and improvements made to the codebase.

The GitHub Release:

In conjunction with the .gem file, a "release" on GitHub plays a vital role in documenting and showcasing the changes
introduced in the new version.

A release of Safe Pg Migrations

This release typically contains detailed release notes that highlight the key enhancements, bug fixes, and any breaking changes. By organizing pull requests and commits into meaningful sections, the release notes provide valuable insights into the evolution of the project. The GitHub release is also linked to a specific git tag, making it easy for developers to identify and access the precise version of the codebase associated with the release.

Prerequisite: a bit of tooling

A few configuration are needed to automate releases correctly.

Release notes automations.

We first need to have a way to automate release notes. For this, we can use the configuration file .github/release.yml. This file will tell to GitHub how to classify pull-requests into sections and generate release notes from them.

In my example, I'm using the following release.yml

      - ignore-for-release
      - dependencies
    - title: Breaking Changes 🛠
        - breaking-change
    - title: "Fixes :bug:"
        - bug
    - title: New Features 🎉
        - "*"
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Depending on the label set on pull requests, GitHub will group messages together in different sections.

For example, when using the previous configuration the following release notes would result.

Release notes of a version of safe-pg-migrations accessible at

Version bump automation

Each new release requires the new version to be written manually. For this, I've created a rake task which automatically bumps the version.

# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'rake'
require 'version'

task :version do
  puts MyGem::VERSION

task :bump, [:type] do |_t, args|
  type = args[:type]
  raise 'Must specify type: major, minor, patch' unless %w[major minor patch].include?(type)

  puts "Old version was #{MyGem::VERSION}"

  major, minor, patch = MyGem::VERSION.split('.').map(&:to_i)

  case type
  when 'major'
    major += 1
    minor = 0
    patch = 0
  when 'minor'
    minor += 1
    patch = 0
  when 'patch'
    patch += 1
    raise 'Unknown version'

  new_version = [major, minor, patch].join('.')

  new_content ='lib/version.rb', 'r') do |f| = '#{MyGem::VERSION}'/, "VERSION = '#{new_version}'")
  end'lib/version.rb', 'w') do |f|

  puts 'Bumped to ' + [major, minor, patch].join('.')
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This script can be called as follow rake "bump[${release_type}]" (where $release_type can be either patch, minor or major, following semantic versioning policies).
The new version number will be computed and replaced in the code automatically.


A few tweaks are probably needed if you intend to use it in your code, like the name of the gem and the file location.

Releaser script

We can now create the releaser script. It has to be stored in the .github/workflows/ repository, under any name that suits your needs.

The file looks like this:

name: Create a new release

        type: choice
        description: Type of release
          - patch
          - minor
          - major

    if: ${{ github.ref == 'refs/heads/main' }}
    permissions: write-all
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
      - uses: ruby/setup-ruby@v1
          ruby-version: 3.1.2
          bundler-cache: true
      - name: Configure git, bundle and gem
          GEM_HOST_API_KEY: "${{secrets.GEM_HOST_API_KEY}}"
        run: |
          git config --global "youremail@email.test"
          git config --global "YOUR NAME"
          bundle config unset deployment
          mkdir -p $HOME/.gem
          touch $HOME/.gem/credentials
          chmod 0600 $HOME/.gem/credentials
          printf -- "---\n:rubygems_api_key: ${GEM_HOST_API_KEY}\n" > $HOME/.gem/credentials
      - name: Bumping
        run: |
          bundle exec rake "bump[${{ inputs.type }}]"
          bundle install
      - name: Commit and push
        run: |
          git commit -a -m "Bump version to v`bundle exec rake version`"
          git push
      - name: Build gem
        run: gem build *.gemspec
      - name: Push gem
        run: gem push *.gem
      - name: Create release
          GH_TOKEN: ${{ github.token }}
        run: gh release create "v`bundle exec rake version`" *.gem --generate-notes --latest
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Let's dive a bit inside:

on: workflow_dispatch

The action is a manual action. Users will need to trigger it manually, through the workflow tab on GitHub.

        type: choice
        description: Type of release
          - patch
          - minor
          - major
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The inputs part indicates that the workflow will have an input, named "Type of release" and allowing three different options. It will be passed directly to the rake task to bump the version of the gem.

Workflow to create a gem version


The steps part defines a list of actions to be run sequentially.

Steps of the workflow

Most steps are straightforward and easy to understand. In particular:

  • Configure git, bundle and gem

This step configures git and ruby so that we can push a new commit with the version, and push the gem to RubyGem. In particular, the four following lines are storing gems credentials :

mkdir -p $HOME/.gem
touch $HOME/.gem/credentials
chmod 0600 $HOME/.gem/credentials
printf -- "---\n:rubygems_api_key: ${GEM_HOST_API_KEY}\n" > $HOME/.gem/credentials
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This requires that a RubyGem API key is stored in GitHub repository secrets under the name GEM_HOST_API_KEY.

  • Bumping executes the rake task we created before, and executes bundle install to update the version in Gemfile.lock file.
  • Create release will generate a new GitHub release. The option --generate-notes --latest are given, to mark the release as the newest version, and to generate release notes using the configuration we defined before. Also, as the git tag corresponding to the version does not exist yet, GitHub will create it automatically.

The 2FA issue

RubyGem strongly recommends to have Two Factor Authentication (2FA) activated. In term of security this is an excellent idea. However, it is an issue when scripting because gem push will require a One Time Password (OTP) code.

The risk, and why it can be acceptable

OTP codes are used to strengthen password authentication. OTP protects from password thefts: if a
password has been leaked, an OTP code is still required and prevents authentication.

The strength relies on the difficulty to leak an OTP code. It is indeed regenerated every 30 seconds, and invalidated
after the first use. And even if the user is victim of a phishing attack, the OTP code will not be usable for another

That said, if OTP codes cannot be leaked, it is not the case of the OTP secret. Codes are generated from a unique secret
that should stay hidden. If an attacker has access to the secret, they can generate as many valid code as they want. Therefore the secret has to be stored securely.

The tweak I am proposition stores the OTP secret alongside the API key, in the GitHub secrets vaults.
Mainly, this bypasses 2FA: RubyGem will think that the authentication is strong whereas it
actually has the same level of security as a standard authentication.

There is also the possibility of having an attack on GitHub secrets vaults. If it would leak, both the API key and
the 2FA secret would be stolen, making authentication possible on RubyGem.

On my side, I believe that the implied security risk is acceptable: GitHub is definitively trustworthy in term of security, especially on such a sensitive topic as the secrets vault. In my opinion, the likeliness of a a data-breach of the vault is extremely low.

However, personal GitHub account should be well secured (using Two Factor Authentication and a strong and unique password). Anyone gaining access to a maintainer's GitHub account would be able to release new versions of the gem.

The 2FA tweak

To have 2FA working, we will modify the push step to the following:

      - name: Add OTP generator
        run: |
          gem install rotp
      - name: Push gem
          GEM_OTP_SECRET: "${{secrets.GEM_OTP_SECRET}}"
        run: gem push *.gem --otp `rotp -s "${GEM_OTP_SECRET}"`
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This will generates the OTP code depending on the TOTP secret, that should be stored in GitHub secrets as well.


We can now release a in 2 clicks.
The workflow will take less than a minute to run, and several users could release under the same global account.

If you want to try it out, feel free to fork the test repository.

Cover picture by Peps'

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