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Lorenzo Zarantonello for This is Angular

Posted on • Originally published at

Angular Is Your Best Shot To Land A Frontend Job

According to the 2024 Stack Overflow Developer Survey, most people who learn to code learn React.

Learners Market

Not too bad, many jobs position requires React.
However, look at the following table.

Learning to code

This table tells you how many people are learning a certain framework among the people who are learning to code.

  • React — 36.6%
  • Next.js — 17.9%
  • Flask — 17.3%
  • Django — 14%
  • Vue — 11%
  • Svelte — 10%
  • Angular — 9%

Do you see anything strange?
Maybe not.

Let's look at the job market.

Job market

I did a quick search on LinkedIn.
Clearly, it's not a bulletproof statistical analysis but maybe it can give you a hint.

Jobs requiring a certain framework in the US, Germany, and India

This table shows the number of jobs mentioning a certain framework in the US, Germany, and India (LinkedIn).


As I said, this is a very rough exercise.

  • Job positions requiring Angular are second to React and well ahead of any other frontend framework.
  • Only 8% learn Angular, while 30% to 40% of job positions require Angular.

Given this asymmetry, Angular might be your best shot at landing a front-end job.

Free link to the full post.

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