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Pavan K Jadda for This is Angular

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Multi Stage Docker builds with Angular and Nginx

This blog post shows multi stage Dockerfile that builds and deploys Angular app in Nginx container

The above Dockerfile has 2 stages
  • Stage 1 - Install NPM dependencies and builds Angular project

  • Stage 2 - Builds docker image from dist directory generated by previous stage

Stage 1: Install dependencies and Build Angular project

  • We use Node 16 alpine image to build the project and it accepts CONFIGURATION build argument. You can override this during build based on your environment
docker build --build-arg CONFIGURATION=dev .
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and you can also define as many arguments as you like

  • Then make /app as working directory. All of the source code and files will be copies to /app directory inside Node container
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  • Copy the package.json file to /app directory. This will enable Docker to cache the node_modules rather than building from scratch and sub sequent builds use these when package.json file is unchanged.
COPY package.json .
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  • Install dependencies using npm install command and specify flag β€”-legacy-peer-deps to prevent build errors in NPM 7+
RUN npm install --legacy-peer-deps
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  • Then copy the source code and build the project using npm run build
COPY . .
RUN npm run build --  --output-path=dist --configuration=$CONFIGURATION --output-hashing=all
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  • The built code will be present in /app/dist directory in Node container

Stage 2: Build Docker image

  • We use NgInx alpine stable image to serve Angular application in production

  • Remove existing HTML content using the command

RUN rm -rf /usr/share/nginx/html/*
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  • Copy the Nginx config file from source to /etc/nginx/nginx.conf directory. If you don’t have one, you can use the below one
  • Then Copy dist folder from build stage to nginx public folder
COPY β€” from=builder /app/dist /usr/share/nginx/html
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  • At the end specify the NgInx start command. That’s it.

You can also split Stage 1 into two separate stages. One to install dependencies and the second one to build the Angular app :)

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