Golang is great for creating network services or microservices. It lets you “get-stuff-done”.
If you’re already familiar with other C-derived languages (Java, Obj-C) then it's easy to learn.
An experienced programmer can pick up the basics of Go in a short period of time.
Concurrency and communication are very easy to deal with in Go and these help with scale. This is important in the cloud environment.
Golang is a programming language you might have heard about a lot during the last couple of years, it was created only in 2009.
Here's a list of advantages of Golang:
- Golang is open-source but backed up by a large corporation
- It’s fast:
- to learn
- to build up
- to compile
- to arrange and install
- to scamper
- Go is a modern language
- Golang is Simple
- It is Concurrent
- Static code analysis
- Garbage collected language
- Testing Support
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