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Cover image for Announcing Vemto - A Laravel Studio and Code Generator
Tiago S. P Rodrigues
Tiago S. P Rodrigues

Posted on

Announcing Vemto - A Laravel Studio and Code Generator

Vemto is a desktop application that will optimize and speed up the way you start new projects with Laravel.

Schema specification screen (models, tables, and relationships) from Vemto

The tool can generate code for:

  • Models, Migrations, Policies, Factories, and Seeders
  • Controllers and Form Requests
  • CRUD Applications
  • Tests
  • And much more coming soon… (see the Roadmap)

Also, there are smart features that help your productivity. For example, when adding a common field to your Model, such as the "gender" field, the field type, options, and the faker code will automatically be suggested (in fact it automatically adds the faker code for all types of fields):

Automatically generated data based on field name (gender)

The library of fields is extensive and is being constantly updated, making it increasingly simple to create entities (models and tables).

Another interesting feature is that, when adding a relationship, the foreign keys, tables (in case you need a pivot table), and the inverse relationship in the related model will be automatically generated.

Automatic creation of the pivot table, foreign keys, and inverse relationship

It is also possible to generate "CRUD forms" related to the Models. The generation of forms is simple and automatic, but it is possible to visually edit the layout of the inputs, responsiveness, validation rules, application titles, etc.

CRUD Edition

Also besides several other features. For example, you can choose how to generate different pieces of code:

  • Change the Mass Assignment strategy to Guarded instead of Fillable
  • Choose to use Controllers with singular or plural names
  • Choose to generate routes as resources or individually etc…

Finally, it is possible to generate complete applications, with clean, simple, and reusable code, reducing all those repetitive tasks common to new projects.

An Application generated with Vemto


With a few months of existence, Vemto has evolved in several aspects and already has many interesting resources, and many other features are being developed at this very moment.

If you like the features and believe in the future of this tool, you can download it here:

You can also sign up for the draw for Three One-Year Developer licenses by RT this Tweet. The draw will be on November 6, 2020.

Cheers and any questions or suggestions you can leave here in the comments!

Top comments (3)

orgildinio profile image
orgildinio • Edited

Any early bird discount on lifetime account? Seems like its fresh project and no early birds yet.
we are not guaranteed to your lifetime account holds for few years..

tiagosilvapereira profile image
Tiago S. P Rodrigues • Edited

Hi @orgildinio yes, I'm doing a Launching promotion that you can see here:

orgildinio profile image

I’m not developer or not in business.just started learning pho and Laravel.
I want to be first one to purchased liftime license but 79$ is little expensive for me.