DEV Community

tim bennett
tim bennett

Posted on

DEjango twilio mms fowarding

I have a small web page for my pigeon club. I use Twilio to send 1 direction messages. I want to be able to send a pic to the Twilio number and forward to multiple numbers. I can receive the message but do not know how to forward the image from my message. Any help would be great.

def mms_reply(self):
Bodyx = self.POST.get('Body')
response = MessagingResponse()
if Bodyx =='1':
msg = response.message("Gotta love a GIF!")
msg = response.message("Sorry you cannot reply to this number")
from_number = self.POST.get('From', '')
#msg = response.message(from_number)

msg = response.message(str(med))
msg = response.message(str(med)+' NumMedia')"../static/pigeonpic.jpg")

return HttpResponse(str(response))
#return HttpResponse(str(Bodyx))
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