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Day 4 / #100DaysOfCode

Day 4 of #100DaysOfCode is complete!
Today's coding was short, but I did finish a Scrimba module; which involved creating a Chrome extension. Then I worked on modifying it, or rather, looking at various APIs to modify it, and I got a little carried away.
I also spent some time brainstorming ideas for CS50, Problem Set 0. It requires you to create a project in Scratch (link). I have no imagination or tendency to overthink, so it's a bit of a challenge for me, and everything I see I think, "Oh, I cannot do that now; it's like cheating, right?" even if it's just inspiration, and since I looked at a few games, it feels like so many are locked out for my own implementation.
Big day today: I also put up my solo project, a movie watch list. It's not perfect, but I will improve it as I learn more.
Another thing I also did was dip my toes into React, it was momentary, but oh my goodness, React looks freaking awesome, and I cannot wait to jump into that 100%.
Overall, it was a productive fourth day that included non-code activities (Math!).
Onwards to day five, which will have a focus on CSS and responsive design!
// Movie Watch List

⚜️ Repo:
⚜️ Live link:

Repo also has a README with a task list that I am still working on/known problem!

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