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Arslan Ijaz
Arslan Ijaz

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Why You Need DevOps Consulting Services? Benefits Of DevOps for Business Growth

So now you know what DevOps is and why your business should invest in DevOps Consulting Services for better business growth.

You might be wondering how to implement a DevOps program in your organization. Here are some tips that can help you do just that:

1. Focus on the Processes – As mentioned before, a DevOps culture is built on the foundation of collaboration, communication, and trust. So, it is essential to build a solid foundation of processes and procedures that can make all three work together seamlessly.

For example, have a clear road map of communication channels within the teams so that everyone is aware of what every other team is doing at all times.

Devote time to planning: This ensures that everyone knows what they are supposed to do at any given point and helps them tackle any problems quickly.

2. Make sure everyone has the skills to succeed – It's not enough to build good processes alone; you Must supplement the functions with skilled people who can carry out the tasks efficiently. Since this is an organizational culture change, having a good cultural fit.

3. Create awareness - The success of a DevOps implementation depends on how much people are aware of how it works and why it's essential for their success

DevOps is one of the hottest trends in technology. Companies that were once siloed, having separate team for development, testing, and deployment, are now moving towards DevOps best practices to be more agile and increase their throughput.

The term "DevOps" is an abbreviation of two terms — Development and Operations. In other words, DevOps is a methodology of software development that aims to optimize the way software gets built, tested, and deployed to reduce the time between code commits and getting it into production. The goal of DevOps is to improve software delivery speed and increase the reliability of the delivered software.

DevOps is commonly used to describe the relationship between software developers and information technology professionals that work on computer systems. It is the merging of the two functions into a more cohesive unit.

It is not just a matter of using the same tools, reading the same books, and learning to communicate better. It is much more involved than that. Of course, good communication is essential, but it goes beyond that. To be effective, both sides have to change their thinking and work.

It is not uncommon for one person's definition of DevOps to differ from another's; this means that they are looking at it from different perspectives or are trying to emphasize other aspects. DevOps has many definitions, including:

  • - "DevOps is a set of practices intended to help an organization deliver software products faster."
  • - "DevOps is a cultural movement emphasizing people over processes and tools."
  • - "DevOps is the intersection of software development (Dev) and information technology operations (IT Ops)."
  • - "DevOps is about people, collaboration, communication, and trust."
  • - "The practices by which organizations are adopting agile methodologies, such as continuous integration (CI), continuous development (CD), continuous testing (CT), and automated deployment."

The Benefits of DevOps Are:

Benefits img

DevOps is the practice of operations and development engineers working together throughout the application lifecycle to develop, deploy and operate the software. This collaboration enables faster delivery, lower risk of production changes, and improved overall end-user experience. DevOps focuses on culture, process, and tools to achieve these benefits.

Decreased Time to Market for New Features and Functionality

The DevOps movement has gained popularity since the term was coined in 2008. Enterprises are adopting DevOps practices in their software development life cycle to help them release new features and bug fixes faster. Here are some key benefits of DevOps for enterprises.

Increase business agility: The ability to quickly develop and deliver products, services, and solutions for customers requires moving faster than ever before.

DevOps helps businesses reduce time-to-market by automating processes and eliminating manual steps in the development process.

Increase collaboration between developers and operations staff: With DevOps, developers can more efficiently deliver software with an integrated toolchain that includes source code repositories, build servers, testing platforms, and deployment infrastructure.

Faster Recovery from System Failures

It's impossible to test for all the different ways a system might fail, but one way to minimize the fallout from failures is to build systems in such a way that losses don't affect other parts of the system.

Work on automated testing and continuous integration helps with this. But even if you can completely automate every part of your build pipeline and run regression tests after every commit, you're still vulnerable to what happens when someone pushes a broken commit into primary, and it goes out the door.

To prevent this, use some feature or code-level branching so that if a deployment breaks or is botched in some way, it only affects part of your system. It doesn't have to be git or any other VCS; any branching model will do.

But branches aren't enough: you also need to practice rollbacks. If a deployment doesn't go right, rollback, then figure out why it failed and how to fix it.

Improved system Reliability

DevOps was introduced by Patrick Debois in 2009 and gained prominence in 2012. The goal of DevOps is to eliminate the divide between operations and development teams and reduce the friction between them.

These two teams have different job functions, but they work on software systems. This means that they should learn from each other and cooperate on tasks.

The most important thing that developers can learn from operations is how to develop reliable systems. Operations people have a whole vocabulary for describing and categorizing system failures: outages, incidents, bugs, glitches, errors, faults, crashes, hangs, lockups.

They use tools like Nagios and Ganglia to monitor the status of their systems, and they have procedures for handling system problems when they occur. Operations people know what makes a system reliable and what doesn't.

One reason why it's useful for developers to learn about reliability because often, their code does not work as expected. A developer thinks of this as a rare event and an aberration, but that's not always the case. The more you understand how systems fail, the better you will be at diagnosing and correcting problems in your code.

Increased Revenue from Increased Customer Satisfaction

The DevOps culture has some solid supporters and some equally strong critics. Proponents of DevOps say that they can deliver better quality software in less time by reducing the cycle time between change requests and delivery.

Critics of DevOps say that it is a fad that will eventually fade away because it can't deliver the benefits its proponents promise.

DevOps has increased revenue for our company by increasing customer satisfaction. Our customers are thrilled with our responsive, high-quality service, which offers a low TCO solution for them.

In addition, we have improved our support cycle time from hours or days to minutes or seconds, which has made our customers much happier.

Reduced Risk due to quicker Deployment of Software Updates

This process of continuous integration is called "DevOps." It was initially just a way to get software developers and operations engineers to work together more. Still, it has evolved into a broad set of practices for reducing risk due to software updates.

There are two types of risk: operational and strategic. Operational risk is that you will crash your website; a strategic chance is that you will alienate your customers by breaking their app.

Operational risks are about speeding up the deployment of software updates, so you can find and fix bugs faster. Finally, strategic risk is about avoiding big bets on immutable infrastructure so you can change direction more quickly.


DevOps is a hot topic in the software development industry. It promises improved communication and efficiency between departments, faster delivery of applications to production environments, and lower costs thanks to better resource utilization. We hope you can see how adopting DevOps best practices can benefit your organization.

Top comments (3)

rr9853462 profile image
Rima Sharma

DevOps Consulting Services have become an essential part of any successful business in the modern world. The benefits of DevOps are numerous, from increased efficiency and productivity to improved collaboration and communication. With DevOps, businesses can quickly deploy new products and services, test and fix problems faster, and better manage their infrastructure.

lewisblakeney profile image

Great article! It's clear that many companies are in need of DevOps consulting services to help them stay ahead in today's competitive market. With the right approach, DevOps can provide valuable insights into the development, operations, and support processes of an organization, allowing them to make the most of their resources. Thanks for highlighting the importance of DevOps consulting services!

sofiiasov profile image

Good job, thanks! IT consulting services can bring many benefits both for the business of all sizes and domains.