Thank, DeepSeek
Sure! Competitive programming is a separate field where it's not only important to know how to write code but also to understand key algorithms and data structures that are frequently used in competitions. Here's a list of essential algorithms and topics you need to learn to perform well in serious programming contests:
1. Basic Algorithms and Data Structures
- Quick Sort
- Merge Sort
- Counting Sort
- Radix Sort
Binary Search:
- Searching in a sorted array
- Binary search on the answer
Two Pointers:
- Solving problems related to subarrays, pairs, etc.
Prefix Sums:
- Fast computation of sums on subarrays.
Stack, Queue, Deque:
- Implementation and applications in problems.
- Hash tables, polynomial hashes for strings.
2. Graphs
Graph Representation:
- Adjacency lists, adjacency matrix.
Graph Traversal:
- Depth-First Search (DFS)
- Breadth-First Search (BFS)
Connected Components:
- Finding connected components in undirected graphs.
Topological Sorting:
- For Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAG).
Shortest Paths:
- Dijkstra's Algorithm
- Bellman-Ford Algorithm
- Floyd-Warshall Algorithm
Minimum Spanning Tree (MST):
- Kruskal's Algorithm
- Prim's Algorithm
Cycle Detection:
- In directed and undirected graphs.
Bridges and Articulation Points:
- Tarjan's Algorithm.
3. Dynamic Programming (DP)
Basics of DP:
- Knapsack Problem
- Longest Increasing Subsequence (LIS)
DP on Subarrays:
- Problems related to substrings, subarrays.
DP on Trees:
- Problems involving counting paths, subtrees.
DP with Bitmasks:
- Problems involving subset enumeration.
DP Optimizations:
- Divide and Conquer, Convex Hull Trick.
4. Trees
Binary Trees:
- Search, insert, delete operations.
Segment Tree:
- Range minimum/maximum queries, range sum queries.
Fenwick Tree (Binary Indexed Tree):
- Fast updates and prefix queries.
Search Trees (BST, AVL, Splay):
- Tree balancing.
Lowest Common Ancestor (LCA):
- Binary Lifting Algorithm.
5. Strings
Prefix Function and Z-Function:
- Substring search.
Knuth-Morris-Pratt Algorithm (KMP):
- Substring search.
Aho-Corasick Algorithm:
- Multiple substring search.
Suffix Array:
- Construction and applications.
String Hashing:
- Polynomial hashes for substring comparison.
6. Mathematics
Number Theory:
- Greatest Common Divisor (GCD), Euclidean Algorithm.
- Sieve of Eratosthenes for prime numbers.
- Integer factorization.
- Binomial coefficients, combinations.
Fast Exponentiation:
- Fast modular exponentiation.
Chinese Remainder Theorem:
- Solving systems of congruences.
Linear Algebra:
- Matrix multiplication, fast matrix exponentiation.
7. Geometry
Points, Vectors, Lines:
- Dot product, cross product.
Segment Intersection:
- Algorithm for checking intersection.
Convex Hull:
- Andrew's monotone chain algorithm.
- Decomposing polygons into triangles.
8. Advanced Topics
Network Flow:
- Ford-Fulkerson Algorithm.
- Edmonds-Karp Algorithm.
- Hungarian Algorithm.
Segment Tree with Lazy Propagation:
- Lazy updates in segment trees.
Persistent Data Structures:
- Persistent Segment Tree.
Square Root Decomposition:
- SQRT decomposition, Mo's Algorithm.
9. Useful Skills
Bit Manipulation:
- Bitmasks, bitwise operations.
Greedy Algorithms:
- Solving problems using greedy strategies.
Divide and Conquer:
- Solving problems by breaking them into subproblems.
Two Pointers Technique:
- Solving problems involving subarrays, pairs, etc.
10. Practice
Platforms for Practice:
- Codeforces (regular contests, problems of varying difficulty).
- AtCoder (Japanese contests, problems on DP and graphs).
- LeetCode (algorithm and data structure problems).
- Timus Online Judge (Russian-language problems).
- CSES Problem Set (great collection for beginners and advanced programmers).
How to Learn:
- Start with basic algorithms (sorting, binary search, prefix sums).
- Solve problems on graphs and dynamic programming — these are the most common topics in competitions.
- Learn advanced data structures (segment trees, Fenwick trees, suffix arrays).
- Regularly participate in contests (Codeforces, AtCoder).
Example Learning Plan:
- Week 1-2: Basic algorithms (sorting, binary search, two pointers).
- Week 3-4: Graphs (DFS, BFS, shortest paths).
- Week 5-6: Dynamic programming (knapsack, LIS, problems on subarrays).
- Week 7-8: Trees (segment trees, Fenwick trees, LCA).
- Week 9-10: Strings (KMP, Z-function, hashing).
If you'd like, I can explain any specific algorithm or topic in more detail! 😊
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