DEV Community

Todd Anglin
Todd Anglin

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Testing the Dev.To API for Publishing

There's really no other way to say it: this post is a test.

For the last week, I've been working on a new tool that leverages the DevTo API to help authors schedule publishing time for new posts. I only recently started publishing to this platform, and was surprised to discover scheduled publishing not available. Fortunately, there is an API, so I set out to close the gap.

There is no sandbox for the API, though, and I clearly did not want to publish a bunch of spam during development and testing. So, until now, all testing has simply changed the title of a draft post at the scheduled "publishing" time. My assumption is that if everything else works, it should be a simple matter of changing the behavior to update the publish status instead of updating the title when development is done.

Well, let's see.

This post should go live automatically at 12:15 AM CDT. Hey. It's a test. If it's going to fail, let's fail when no one's watching.

But if you're reading this at 12:15 worked! πŸŽ‰

And that means I've got a lot more to share this week about how it was built, how it works, and how you can use it, too. Stay tuned.

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