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Otitoju Mercy
Otitoju Mercy

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Azure Virtual Machine Scale Set.

Azure Virtual Machine Scale Sets (VMSS) allow you to create and manage a group of identical virtual machines. In this blog, we'll explore how to create a VMSS on Azure.

Step 1: Log in to Azure Portal
Log in to the Azure portal and navigate to the Virtual Machine Scale Sets.

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Step 2: Create a New VMSS
Click "Create" and select "Virtual Machine Scale Set".

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Step 3: Configure Basics
Configure the basics, including name, resource group, and location.

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Step 4: Choose a Virtual Machine Image
Choose a virtual machine image from the Azure marketplace or upload your own.

Step 5: Configure Instance Size and Capacity
Configure the instance size and capacity, including the number of virtual machines.

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Step 6: Configure Networking
Configure networking, including virtual networks and load balancing.

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Step 7: Configure Autoscaling
Configure autoscaling to automatically add or remove virtual machines based on demand.

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Step 8: Review and Create
Review and create the VMSS.

Creating a virtual machine scale set on Azure offers a flexible and scalable solution for managing multiple virtual machines. By following these steps, you can create a VMSS that meets your needs.

Note: This is a basic outline and may require more detailed instructions and technical expertise to execute.

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