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Otitoju Mercy
Otitoju Mercy

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Vagrant Concepts

Vagrant is an open-source tool that allows you to create, configure, and manage boxes of virtual machines through an easy to use command interface. It is a tool for building complete development environments with a focus on automation and easy workflow.

The primary function of the Vagrantfile is to describe the type of machine required for a project, and how to configure and provision these machines. Vagrantfiles are called Vagrantfiles because the actual literal filename for the file is Vagrantfile.

The basic unit in a Vagrant setup is called a “box” or a “Vagrantbox.” Boxes are the package format for Vagrant environments, you can add a box from the public catalog at any time. The box's description includes instructions on how to add it to an existing Vagrantfile or initiate it as a new environment on the command-line(process.

Providers in Vagrant?
A provider allows Vagrant to create a Vagrant machine using a certain technology. Vagrant has the ability to manage other types of machines as well. This is done by using other providers with Vagrant. Different providers may enable a virtual machine manager (VirtualBox, VMWare, Hyper-V...), a container manager (Docker), or remote cloud hosts (AWS, Google Compute Engine...).

Provisioners in Vagrant?
Provisioners in Vagrant allow you to automatically install software, alter configurations. Vagrant supports different methods to provision virtual machines, among the others:** “Shell”, “Ansible”, “Chef”, “File” and “Docker”**. The “Shell” method is the most simple and involves the use of standard commands and shell logic, which can be specified “inline” or in a dedicated, executable script.

When you run the vagrant up command, Vagrant creates a new VM based on the configuration specified in the Vagrantfile. The VM is created using the virtualization provider (VirtualBox in our case). The VMs are isolated from the host machine and run their own operating system and applications.
Vagrant Architecture:
Vagrant consists of several components that work together to manage and provision VMs. Here is a high-level overview of the architecture:
Image description

Practical Examples:

To demonstrate the usage of Vagrant, let's walk through this example. We will use VirtualBox as the virtualization provider in these example.

  1. Installing Vagrant and VirtualBox: Download the latest version of Vagrant from: ( Download the latest version of Virtualbox from: ( After that you can check your vagrant version.
vagrant --version or -v
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2. Creating A Vagrant File.
Create a new directory for your project and navigate to it in your terminal. Run the following command to initialize a new Vagrantfile:

vagrant init 
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3. Configuring the Vagrantfile:
Open the Vagrantfile in a text editor and modify the configuration settings to suit your needs. For example, you can specify the base box and any additional provisioning scripts.

Here's an example of a Vagrantfile that uses the ubuntu/trusty64 box and provisions it with Apache

Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| = "ubuntu/trusty64"
  config.vm.box_version = "base" "forwarded_port", guest: 80, host: 8080

  config.vm.provision "shell", inline: <<-SHELL
    apt-get update
    apt-get install -y apache2
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4. Start the Virtual Machine: In your project directory, run:

vagrant up
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Vagrant will download the specified base box if it doesn't already exist, and then start the VM using VirtualBox.
To apply the provisioning of the shell script to install apache in your VM do:

vagrant provision
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5. Accessing the Virtual Machine:
Once your VM is up and running, connect to it using:

vagrant ssh
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Also do:

vagrant box list
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To see availabe installed box, you can alway add the --help flag to see more options of this command. This opens a secure shell connection to the new virtual machine.
Generating Vagrantfiles online
To generate Vagrantfiles online you can check this site Generating Vagrantfiles Online

Here are some commonly used Vagrant commands:

Basic Commands

  • vagrant init – Initializes a new Vagrantfile in the current directory.
  • vagrant up – Starts and provisions the virtual machine.
  • vagrant halt – Stops the virtual machine.
  • vagrant destroy – Stops and deletes the virtual machine.
  • vagrant reload – Restarts the virtual machine.

Managing VMs

  • vagrant status – Checks the status of the Vagrant machine.
  • vagrant suspend – Saves the current state of the VM.
  • vagrant resume – Resumes a suspended VM.
  • vagrant ssh – Connects to the virtual machine via SSH.

Provisioning and Configuration

  • vagrant provision – Runs provisioning scripts defined in the Vagrantfile.
  • vagrant up --provision – Starts the VM and provisions it at the same time.

Networking and Sharing

  • vagrant port – Lists forwarded ports.
  • vagrant share – Shares the Vagrant environment over the internet.

Box Management

  • vagrant box list – Lists all installed Vagrant boxes.
  • vagrant box add <box-name> – Downloads and adds a new Vagrant box.
  • vagrant box remove <box-name> – Removes a specific Vagrant box.

Snapshot Management

  • vagrant snapshot save <name> – Saves the current state of the VM as a snapshot.
  • vagrant snapshot restore <name> – Restores the VM to a previous snapshot.


Vagrant simplifies virtual machine management, ensuring consistency across development environments. With easy configuration, automation, and multi-provider support, it eliminates the "works on my machine" problem. Start using Vagrant today to streamline your workflow and boost productivity! 🚀

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