DEV Community

Matteo Vitali
Matteo Vitali

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Boost your Django projects's security with proper `Cache-Control` on views

Caching is great for performance, but sensitive data must never be cached! In Django, properly configuring Cache Control on your views ensures secure handling of sensitive content, such as login pages or user-specific data.

πŸ”’ Why is Cache Control important?
Without proper cache settings, sensitive data may be stored in the user's browser or intermediary proxies, exposing it to potential risks.

πŸ’‘ How to configure Cache Control in Django?
You can use the @never_cache decorator on function-based views to prevent them from being cached (as mentioned in the official documentation):

from django.views.decorators.cache import never_cache  

def my_secure_view(request):  
    # Your secure logic here  
    return HttpResponse("This page is protected from caching!")  
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But what if you want to reuse this logic across multiple class-based views? You can create a reusable mixin for this purpose!

# myproject/

from django.contrib.auth.mixins import LoginRequiredMixin
from django.utils.decorators import method_decorator
from django.views.decorators.cache import never_cache

@method_decorator(never_cache, name="dispatch")
class PrivateAreaMixin(LoginRequiredMixin):
    """Override LoginRequiredMixin by adding Cache-Control rules."""
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With this mixin, securing your class-based views becomes much simpler:

# myapp/

from django.views.generic import TemplateView
from myproject.views import PrivateAreaMixin

class IndexView(PrivateAreaMixin, TemplateView):
    """The index view."""

    template_name = "index.html"
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πŸ›  Testing the Implementation
Testing is crucial to ensure everything works as expected. Here's how you can test the PrivateAreaMixin:

# myproject/tests/

from django.test import TestCase, RequestFactory
from django.contrib.auth.models import AnonymousUser
from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model
from django.http import HttpResponse
from django.views import View
from myproject.views import PrivateAreaMixin

class PrivateAreaMixinTest(TestCase):
    """Test private area Cache-Control override."""

    factory = RequestFactory()

    def setUpTestData(cls):
        """Initialize test data."""
        cls.user = get_user_model().objects.create_user(

    def test_login_required_with_cache_control(self):
        """Test login required and Cache-Control dispatched."""

        class AView(PrivateAreaMixin, View):
            def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
                return HttpResponse()

        view = AView.as_view()

        # Test redirect for anonymous users
        request = self.factory.get("/")
        request.user = AnonymousUser()
        response = view(request)
        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 302)
        self.assertEqual("/accounts/login/?next=/", response.url)

        # Test authenticated user and cache control headers
        request = self.factory.get("/")
        request.user = self.user
        response = view(request)
        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
        self.assertIn("Cache-Control", response.headers)
            "max-age=0, no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate, private",
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πŸ”₯ Best Practice Tip:
Using @never_cache with a mixin like PrivateAreaMixin makes your code reusable and clean. Combined with rigorous testing, this ensures your sensitive views remain secure and aligned with best practices.

How do you handle caching and sensitive data in your Django projects?

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