DEV Community

Mike Turck
Mike Turck

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Comparing UUID, CUID, and Nanoid: A Developer's Guide

When it comes to generating unique identifiers in your applications, developers have several options to choose from. In this tutorial, we'll compare and contrast three popular choices: UUID, CUID, and Nanoid. We'll explore their characteristics, implementation in TypeScript, and recommend use cases for each.

UUID (Universally Unique Identifier)

UUID is a standardized 128-bit identifier that's widely used across various systems and applications.

Key Features:

  • 128-bit length (36 characters including hyphens)
  • Extremely low collision probability (5.3x10^36 possible UUIDs)
  • Multiple versions and variants available


import { v4 as uuidv4 } from 'uuid';

const id = uuidv4();
console.log(id); // e.g., '1b9d6bcd-bbfd-4b2d-9b5d-ab8dfbbd4bed'
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Best Use Cases:

  • Distributed systems where uniqueness across multiple systems is crucial
  • Applications requiring a standardized, widely recognized identifier format

CUID (Collision-resistant Unique Identifier)

CUID is designed to be collision-resistant, sortable, and more compact than UUID.

Key Features:

  • 25 characters long
  • Sequential for easy sorting
  • Designed for horizontal scaling in distributed systems


import cuid from 'cuid';

const id = cuid();
console.log(id); // e.g., 'ckqtls7040000h3d8suihro21'
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Best Use Cases:

  • Applications requiring sortable IDs
  • Distributed systems with a focus on collision resistance
  • Scenarios where slightly shorter IDs than UUID are preferred


Nanoid is a tiny, secure, URL-friendly unique string ID generator.

Key Features:

  • Customizable length (default 21 characters)
  • URL-friendly (uses A-Za-z0-9_- characters)
  • Extremely fast generation


import { nanoid } from 'nanoid';

const id = nanoid();
console.log(id); // e.g., 'V1StGXR8_Z5jdHi6B-myT'
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Best Use Cases:

  • Front-end applications requiring client-side ID generation
  • Scenarios where small bundle size is crucial
  • Applications needing short, URL-friendly IDs

Comparison of ID Generation Capacity

  1. UUID: 2^128 ≈ 3.4 x 10^38 possible IDs
  2. CUID: Theoretically unlimited, but practically limited by timestamp precision
  3. Nanoid: 2^126 (with default settings) ≈ 9.5 x 10^37 possible IDs


  • Choose UUID when standardization and wide recognition are important, especially in enterprise or cross-system scenarios.
  • Opt for CUID when you need sortable IDs or are working in a distributed system with a focus on collision resistance.
  • Select Nanoid for client-side generation, URL-friendly IDs, or when you need a balance between uniqueness and ID length.

Remember, the best choice depends on your specific use case, system architecture, and performance requirements. Consider factors like ID length, generation speed, collision resistance, and sortability when making your decision.

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