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Why I Chose Node.js for My Side Project (Even Though .NET C# Is Still My Day Job)

So, let’s get this out of the way — I’m still very much a .NET C# developer by day. We’re not breaking up! But when I started building my side project, I decided to take Node.js out for a spin.

And I kinda like it!

I’m not here to change anyone’s mind or start a debate — just thought I’d share why Node.js was the right fit for my humble side project.

1. I Like Keeping Things Simple
You know that feeling when you’ve got too many tabs open, and your brain’s about to overheat? Yeah, that’s how I felt juggling between C# and JavaScript.

So, for my side project, I decided to make my life easier and just stick with JavaScript for both the front and back end. Node.js let me do that, and honestly, it’s like having a universal remote — no more scrambling to remember which button controls what. Hehe.

Keeping it simple has been a huge plus for me.

2. Node’s Superpower
Here’s something cool: Node.js handles asynchronous tasks like a pro. My project has a lot of real-time stuff going on, and Node just seems to handle it effortlessly. It’s like Node is naturally good at multitasking — you know, unlike most of us!

Sure, .NET can do async too, but I found Node’s way of dealing with it a bit more… chill. No pulling my hair out trying to get it to work, which is always a win in my book. Hehe.

3. I Like Free Stuff
Okay, let’s be real — free stuff makes everyone happy, right?

That’s one big reason I went with Node.js for my side project. I’ve been using Render to host it, and they offer a pretty sweet free tier for small apps.

Setting up CI/CD with them? A piece of cake. I didn’t have to spend hours configuring things, which left me more time to actually build my project.

So yeah, free hosting and easy deployments? Sign me up!

4. A Treasure Chest of Goodies
NPM is like a giant toy store for developers.

Need a library for authentication? It’s there. File uploads? Boom, NPM’s got your back.

Working solo on a project means I need all the help I can get, and NPM has been my trusty sidekick.

5. Light Like a Feather
One of the best parts about using Node.js for my side project? It’s super lightweight. It doesn’t bog things down, so I can get things done fast without feeling like I’m dragging around a heavy backpack.

.NET is great for big, complex stuff (which is why I still use it for my day job), but for something smaller like my side project? Node’s light touch has been exactly what I needed.

Like moving with just a backpack instead of a whole moving van.

6. Trying New Things Keeps It Fun
I’ll admit it — part of the reason I chose Node.js was because I was itching to try something new. I’ve been in the .NET world for a long time, and while I still love it, I wanted to see what else was out there.

Node.js has been a fun change of pace. It’s kind of like trying a new hobby — it challenges you in a good way, keeps things fresh, and reminds you why you love building stuff in the first place.

So, yeah, stepping out of the comfort zone has been a fun little adventure.

Wrapping It Up
So, there you have it! I’m still all about .NET C# for my full-time work, after all it’s what have been paying my bills, but for my side project (Cheatsheet++), Node.js just fit like a glove.

It’s lightweight, flexible, and packed with free goodies that made my life easier.

But hey, this is just my experience. If you’re curious about Node.js, give it a try! Who knows — you might end up liking it as much as I did.

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