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Cover image for Diagonal slides, Ecommerce banner, Accordion menu | Module Monday 34
Tyler Warnock
Tyler Warnock

Posted on • Originally published at

Diagonal slides, Ecommerce banner, Accordion menu | Module Monday 34

Open-source web modules you can use anywhere

All the mods below are open source and free to use in any project you choose. Anymod lets you quickly add features to any website or web app.

Click a mod to see it in action along with its source code.

Animated diagonal slideshow

Full page display by Codrops. Add to any page easily.

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Accordion side menu

Expand and collapse categories with links

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Fixed bg hero section with menu

Everything you need to start a page off right

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Ecommerce banner

Responsive images and links to show your wares.

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Back button

It... does what you expect. Add it anywhere.

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I post new modules here every (Module) Monday -- I hope you find them useful!

Happy coding ✌️

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