Cloud Storage is a core service in Google Cloud, offering a wide range of advanced features essential for modern cloud solutions. This article provides hands-on experience with key Cloud Storage functionalities, enabling you to leverage its capabilities effectively in your designs. Through both the Google Cloud Console and the gsutil
command-line tool, you will learn to create and manage buckets, configure access control lists for security, utilize custom encryption keys, implement version control, enable directory synchronization, and share buckets across projects using IAM. These skills are critical for optimizing storage management and ensuring secure, scalable, and collaborative cloud environments.
Task 1. Preparation
Open Google Console.
Create a Cloud Storage bucket
1.On the Navigation menu, click Cloud Storage > Buckets.
2.Click Create.
3.Specify the following, and leave the remaining settings as their defaults:
4.Make a note of the bucket name. It will be used later in this lab and referred to as [BUCKET_NAME_1].
5.Click Create.
Download a sample file using CURL and make two copies
1.In the Cloud Console, click Activate Cloud Shell.
2.If prompted, click Continue.
3.Store [BUCKET_NAME_1] in an environment variable:
export BUCKET_NAME_1=<enter bucket name 1 here>
4.Verify it with echo:
5.Run the following command to download a sample file (this sample file is a publicly available Hadoop documentation HTML file):
curl \\
ClusterSetup.html > setup.html
6.To make copies of the file, run the following commands:
cp setup.html setup2.html
cp setup.html setup3.html
Task 2. Access control lists (ACLs)
Copy the file to the bucket and configure the access control list
1.Run the following command to copy the first file to the bucket:
gcloud storage cp setup.html gs://$BUCKET_NAME_1/
2.To get the default access list that's been assigned to setup.html, run the following command:
gsutil acl get gs://$BUCKET_NAME_1/setup.html > acl.txt
cat acl.txt
3.To set the access list to private and verify the results, run the following commands:
gsutil acl set private gs://$BUCKET_NAME_1/setup.html
gsutil acl get gs://$BUCKET_NAME_1/setup.html > acl2.txt
cat acl2.txt
4.To update the access list to make the file publicly readable, run the following commands:
gsutil acl ch -u AllUsers:R gs://$BUCKET_NAME_1/setup.html
gsutil acl get gs://$BUCKET_NAME_1/setup.html > acl3.txt
cat acl3.txt
Examine the file in the Cloud Console
1.In the Cloud Console, on the Navigation menu, click Cloud Storage > Buckets.
2.Click [BUCKET_NAME_1].
3.Verify that for file setup.html, Public access has a Public link available.
Delete the local file and copy back from Cloud Storage
1.Return to Cloud Shell. If necessary, click Activate Cloud Shell.
2.Run the following command to delete the setup file:
rm setup.html
3.To verify that the file has been deleted, run the following command:
4.To copy the file from the bucket again, run the following command:
gcloud storage cp gs://$BUCKET_NAME_1/setup.html setup.html
Task 3. Customer-supplied encryption keys (CSEK)
Generate a CSEK key
For the next step, you need an AES-256 base-64 key.
1.Run the following command to create a key:
python3 -c 'import base64; import os; print(base64.encodebytes(os.urandom(32)))'
Result (this is example output):
2.Copy the value of the generated key excluding b'
and \n'
from the command output. Key should be in form of tmxElCaabWvJqR7uXEWQF39DhWTcDvChzuCmpHe6sb0=
Modify the boto file
The encryption controls are contained in a gsutil configuration file named .boto
1.To view and open the boto file, run the following commands:
ls -al
nano .boto
Note: If the .boto
file is empty, close the nano editor with Ctrl+X and generate a new .boto
file using the gsutil config -n
command. Then, try opening the file again with the above commands.
If the .boto
file is still empty, you might have to locate it using the gsutil version -l
2.Locate the line with "#encryption_key=
Note: The bottom of the nano editor provides you with shortcuts to quickly navigate files. Use the Where Is shortcut to quickly locate the line with the #encryption_key=.
3.Uncomment the line by removing the # character, and paste the key you generated earlier at the end.
Example (this is an example):
# encryption_key=
4.Press Ctrl+O, ENTER to save the boto file, and then press Ctrl+X to exit nano.
Upload the remaining setup files (encrypted) and verify in the Cloud Console
1.To upload the remaining setup.html files, run the following commands:
gsutil cp setup2.html gs://$BUCKET_NAME_1/
gsutil cp setup3.html gs://$BUCKET_NAME_1/
2.Return to the Cloud Console.
3.Click [BUCKET_NAME_1]. Both setup2.html and setup3.html files show that they are customer-encrypted.
Delete local files, copy new files, and verify encryption
1.To delete your local files, run the following command in Cloud Shell:
rm setup*
2.To copy the files from the bucket again, run the following command:
gsutil cp gs://$BUCKET_NAME_1/setup* ./
3.To cat the encrypted files to see whether they made it back, run the following commands:
cat setup.html
cat setup2.html
cat setup3.html
Task 4. Rotate CSEK keys
Move the current CSEK encrypt key to decrypt key
1.Run the following command to open the .boto
nano .boto
2.Comment out the current encryption_key line by adding the # character to the beginning of the line.
Note: The bottom of the nano editor provides you with shortcuts to quickly navigate files. Use the Where Is shortcut to quickly locate the line with the encryption_key=.
3.Uncomment decryption_key1 by removing the # character, and copy the current key from the encryption_key line to the decryption_key1 line.
Result (this is example output):
# decryption_key1=
# encryption_key=2dFWQGnKhjOcz4h0CudPdVHLG2g+OoxP8FQOIKKTzsg=
4.Press Ctrl+O, ENTER to save the boto file, and then press Ctrl+X to exit nano.
Note: In practice, you would delete the old CSEK key from the encryption_key line.
Generate another CSEK key and add to the boto file
1.Run the following command to generate a new key:
python3 -c 'import base64; import os; print(base64.encodebytes(os.urandom(32)))'
2.Copy the value of the generated key excluding b' and \n' from the command output. Key should be in form of tmxElCaabWvJqR7uXEWQF39DhWTcDvChzuCmpHe6sb0=
3.To open the boto file, run the following command:
nano .boto
4.Uncomment encryption and paste the new key value for encryption_key=
Result (this is example output):
# encryption_key=2dFWQGnKhjOcz4h0CudPdVHLG2g+OoxP8FQOIKKTzsg=
5.Press Ctrl+O, ENTER to save the boto file, and then press Ctrl+X to exit nano.
Rewrite the key for file 1 and comment out the old decrypt key
1.Run the following command:
gsutil rewrite -k gs://$BUCKET_NAME_1/setup2.html
2.To open the boto file, run the following command:
nano .boto
3.Comment out the current decryption_key1 line by adding the # character back in.
Result (this is example output):
# decryption_key1=2dFWQGnKhjOcz4h0CudPdVHLG2g+OoxP8FQOIKKTzsg=
4.Press Ctrl+O, ENTER to save the boto file, and then press Ctrl+X to exit nano.
Note: In practice, you would delete the old CSEK key from the decryption_key1 line.
Download setup 2 and setup3
1.To download setup2.html, run the following command:
gsutil cp gs://$BUCKET_NAME_1/setup2.html recover2.html
2.To download setup3.html, run the following command:
gsutil cp gs://$BUCKET_NAME_1/setup3.html recover3.html
Note: What happened? setup3.html was not rewritten with the new key, so it can no longer be decrypted, and the copy will fail.
You have successfully rotated the CSEK keys.
Task 5. Enable lifecycle management
View the current lifecycle policy for the bucket
- Run the following command to view the current lifecycle policy:
gsutil lifecycle get gs://$BUCKET_NAME_1
Note: There is no lifecycle configuration. You create one in the next steps.
Create a JSON lifecycle policy file
1.To create a file named life.json, run the following command:
nano life.json
2.Paste the following value into the life.json file:
"action": {"type": "Delete"},
"condition": {"age": 31}
Note: These instructions tell Cloud Storage to delete the object after 31 days.
3.Press Ctrl+O, ENTER to save the file, and then press Ctrl+X to exit nano.
Set the policy and verify
1.To set the policy, run the following command:
gsutil lifecycle set life.json gs://$BUCKET_NAME_1
2.To verify the policy, run the following command:
gsutil lifecycle get gs://$BUCKET_NAME_1
Task 6. Enable versioning
View the versioning status for the bucket and enable versioning
1.Run the following command to view the current versioning status for the bucket:
gsutil versioning get gs://$BUCKET_NAME_1
Note: The Suspended policy means that it is not enabled.
2.To enable versioning, run the following command:
gsutil versioning set on gs://$BUCKET_NAME_1
3.To verify that versioning was enabled, run the following command:
gsutil versioning get gs://$BUCKET_NAME_1
Create several versions of the sample file in the bucket
1.Check the size of the sample file:
ls -al setup.html
2.Open the setup.html file:
nano setup.html
3.Delete any 5 lines from setup.html to change the size of the file.
4.Press Ctrl+O, ENTER to save the file, and then press Ctrl+X to exit nano.
5.Copy the file to the bucket with the -v versioning option:
gcloud storage cp -v setup.html gs://$BUCKET_NAME_1
6.Open the setup.html file:
nano setup.html
7.Delete another 5 lines from setup.html to change the size of the file.
8.Press Ctrl+O, ENTER to save the file, and then press Ctrl+X to exit nano.
9.Copy the file to the bucket with the -v versioning option:
gcloud storage cp -v setup.html gs://$BUCKET_NAME_1
List all versions of the file
1.To list all versions of the file, run the following command:
gcloud storage ls -a gs://$BUCKET_NAME_1/setup.html
2.Highlight and copy the name of the oldest version of the file (the first listed), referred to as [VERSION_NAME] in the next step.
Note: Make sure to copy the full path of the file, starting with gs://
3.Store the version value in the environment variable [VERSION_NAME].
export VERSION_NAME=<Enter VERSION name here>
4.Verify it with echo:
Result (this is example output):
Download the oldest, original version of the file and verify recovery
1.Download the original version of the file:
gcloud storage cp $VERSION_NAME recovered.txt
2.To verify recovery, run the following commands:
ls -al setup.html
ls -al recovered.txt
Task 7. Synchronize a directory to a bucket
Make a nested directory and sync with a bucket
1.Run the following commands:
mkdir firstlevel
mkdir ./firstlevel/secondlevel
cp setup.html firstlevel
cp setup.html firstlevel/secondlevel
2.To sync the firstlevel directory on the VM with your bucket, run the following command:
gsutil rsync -r ./firstlevel gs://$BUCKET_NAME_1/firstlevel
Examine the results
1.In the Cloud Console, on the Navigation menu, click Cloud Storage > Buckets.
2.Click [BUCKET_NAME_1]. Notice the subfolders in the bucket.
3.Click on /firstlevel and then on /secondlevel.
4.Compare what you see in the Cloud Console with the results of the following command:
gcloud storage ls -r gs://$BUCKET_NAME_1/firstlevel
Task 8. Cross-project sharing
Switch to the second project
1.Open a new incognito tab.
2.Navigate to to open a Cloud Console.
3.Click the project selector dropdown in the title bar.
4.Click All, and then click the second project provided for you in the Qwiklabs Connection Details dialog. Remember that the Project ID is a unique name across all Google Cloud projects. The second project ID will be referred to as [PROJECT_ID_2].
Prepare the bucket
1.In the Cloud Console, on the Navigation menu, click Cloud Storage > Buckets.
2.Click Create.
3.Specify and leave the remaining settings as their defaults
4.Note the bucket name. It will be referred to as [BUCKET_NAME_2] in the following steps.
5.Click Create.
Upload a text file to the bucket
1.Upload a file to [BUCKET_NAME_2]. Any small example file or text file will do.
2.Note the file name (referred to as [FILE_NAME]); you will use it later.
Create an IAM Service Account
1.In the Cloud Console, on the Navigation menu, click IAM & admin > Service accounts.
2.Click Create service account.
3.On Service account details page, specify the Service account name as cross-project-storage
4.Click Create and Continue.
5.On the Service account permissions page, specify the role as Cloud Storage > Storage Object Viewer.
6.Click Continue and then Done.
7.Click the cross-project-storage service account to add the JSON key.
8.In Keys tab, click Add Key dropdown and select Create new key.
9.Select JSON as the key type and click Create. A JSON key file will be downloaded. You will need to find this key file and upload it in into the VM in a later step.
10.Click Close.
11.On your hard drive, rename the JSON key file to credentials.json.
12.In the upper pane, switch back to [PROJECT_ID_1].
Create a VM
1.On the Navigation menu, click Compute Engine > VM instances.
2.Click Create Instance.
3,On the Machine configuration page, specify and leave the remaining settings as their defaults
4.Click OS and storage.
5.If the Image shown is not Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm), click Change and select Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm), and then click Select.
6.Click Create.
SSH to the VM
1.For crossproject, click SSH to launch a terminal and connect.
Note: If the message appears like Connection via Cloud Identity-Aware Proxy Failed then click Connect without Identity-Aware Proxy.
2.Store [BUCKET_NAME_2] in an environment variable:
export BUCKET_NAME_2=<enter bucket name 2 here>
3.Verify it with echo:
4.Store [FILE_NAME] in an environment variable:
export FILE_NAME=<enter FILE_NAME here>
5.Verify it with echo:
6.List the files in [PROJECT_ID_2]:
gcloud storage ls gs://$BUCKET_NAME_2/
Result (this is example output):
AccessDeniedException: 403 does not have storage.objects.list access to the Google Cloud Storage bucket.
Authorize the VM
1.To upload credentials.json through the SSH VM terminal, click on the up arrow icon (upload icon) in the upper-right corner, and then click Upload file.
2.Select credentials.json and upload it.
3.Click Close in the File Transfer window.
Verify that the JSON file has been uploaded to the VM:
Result (this is example output):
5.Enter the following command in the terminal to authorize the VM to use the Google Cloud API:
gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file credentials.json
Verify access
1.Retry this command:
gcloud storage ls gs://$BUCKET_NAME_2/
2.Retry this command:
gcloud storage cat gs://$BUCKET_NAME_2/$FILE_NAME
3.Try to copy the credentials file to the bucket:
gcloud storage cp credentials.json gs://$BUCKET_NAME_2/
Result (this is example output):
Copying file://credentials.json [Content-Type=application/json]...
AccessDeniedException: 403 does not have storage.objects.create access to the Google Cloud Storage object.
Modify role
1.In the upper pane, switch back to [PROJECT_ID_2].
2.In the Cloud Console, on the Navigation menu, click IAM & admin > IAM.
3.Click the pencil icon for the cross-project-storage service account (You might have to scroll to the right to see this icon).
4.Click on the Storage Object Viewer role, and then click Cloud Storage > Storage Object Admin.
5.Click Save. If you don't click Save, the change will not be made.
Verify changed access
1.Return to the SSH terminal for crossproject.
2.Copy the credentials file to the bucket:
gcloud storage cp credentials.json gs://$BUCKET_NAME_2/
Result (this is example output):
Copying file://credentials.json [Content-Type=application/json]...
- [1 files][ 2.3 KiB/ 2.3 KiB]
Operation completed over 1 objects/2.3 KiB.
You learned how to create and manage buckets and objects while investigating key Cloud Storage features in this lab. You discovered how to rotate encryption keys, use customer-supplied encryption keys (CSEK) for increased security, and set up access control lists (ACLs) to govern permissions, switching between private and public access as necessary. You also synchronized folders between a virtual machine and a bucket, enabled versioning to restore earlier versions of data, and put lifecycle management policies in place to automatically destroy items after 31 days. Lastly, you used IAM to conduct cross-project resource sharing, which allowed resources to be accessed easily across projects. You can create scalable, effective, and safe cloud storage solutions with these abilities.
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