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Stay ahead in web development: latest news, tools, and insights #75

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weeklyfoo #75 is here: your weekly digest of all webdev news you need to know! This time you'll find 34 valuable links in 7 categories! Enjoy!

🚀 Read it!

📰 Good to know

  • JavaScript Fatigue Strikes Back: The new frameworks will continue until morale improves. by Allen Pike / javascript, frameworks / 9 min read
  • Why we ditched Next.js and never looked back: Especially performance became much better again. by Will Stewart, Tom Snelling / nextjs / 9 min read
  • Using & Styling the Details Element: You can find the details element all over the web these days. We were excited about it when it first dropped and toyed with using it as a menu back in 2019 (but probably don’t) among many other experiments. by Geoff Graham / css / 14 min read
  • How to start a React Project [2025]: Every year, I want to give you a brief overview of how to start a new React project. by Robin Wieruch / react, vite, astro, nextjs / 8 min read
  • Announcing TanStack Form v1: We're excited to announce the first stable version of TanStack Form is live and ready for usage in production! by Corbin Crutchley / tanstack, forms / 7 min read
  • Lynx: Unlock Native for More: Today, we're excited to introduce Lynx, a family of technologies empowering developers to use their existing web skills to create truly native UIs for both mobile and web from a single codebase. by Xuan Huang / native-uis / 1 min read
  • Functions in CSS?!: You (kinda) can use functions now! by Juan Diego Rodríguez / css / 13 min read
  • JavaScript: Report about how JavaScript is used in the web by Abdul Haddi Amjad, Nishu Goel / javascript / 48 min read
  • Is Biome ready to replace Prettier & ESLint?: Biome is a new JavaScript and TypeScript language server that aims to replace Prettier and ESLint. by Nicolas Pendon / biome, prettier, eslint / 15 min read

🧰 Tools

  • Stricli: Build complex CLIs with type safety and no dependencies by Bloomberg / cli, typescript
  • agents.json: Translate OpenAPI into LLM Tools by Wildcard AI / ai, agents
  • Ollama Function Caller: A command-line Ollama client for scripting. by Elijah Potter / ai, ollama
  • ReScript: ReScript is a robustly typed language that compiles to efficient and human-readable JavaScript. by / types, javascript
  • Electron App: An Electron app boilerplate with React v19, TypeScript v5, Tailwind v4, shadcn/ui, Electron Vite, Biome, GitHub Action releases and more. by Dalton Menezes / electron, boilerplate
  • React Timer Hooks: React timer hook is a custom react hook, built to handle timer, stopwatch, and time logic/state in your react component. by Amr Labib / react, hooks
  • React hCaptcha Component Library: hCaptcha Component Library for ReactJS and Preact by hCaptcha / captcha, react
  • Kibo UI: Kibo UI is a custom registry of composable, accessible and open source components designed for use with shadcn/ui. by / a11y, ui
  • Find any sound you like: In a collaborative collection of > 650k free sounds by / sounds, audio
  • Halftone Effect Generator: Easily Apply Halftones Any Photo/Video by / images
  • Revolt: Revolt is the chat app that’s truly built with you in mind. by / chat
  • Cropper.js: JavaScript image cropper. by Fengyuan Chen / image, cropping
  • End of Life Date: End of Life Date is a website that provides information about the end of life dates for various software products. by / software, eol
  • Deepkit: High-quality TypeScript libraries and next-gen backend framework. Leverage TypeScript to the fullest, in completely new ways. by / typescript, types

🎨 Design

  • User-Interface Elements: Glossary: Use this glossary to quickly clarify definitions for key graphical user-interface elements and controls. by Raluca Budiu, Kara Rivenbark / ui, glossary / 25 min read
  • Truth, Lies and Progress Bars: Improve your progress bars! by Tyler Sticka / ux, progress-bars / 5 min read
  • Why most products today are meh: Lack of differentiation and over-optimization are running rampant. Here’s what designers can do about it. by Ed Orozco / ui / 9 min read

🤪 Fun

  • Linears: A collection of websites inspired by Linear by / gallery / 1 min read

📚 Tutorials

  • Using AI in the Browser for Typo Rewriting: Play around with Chrome's built-in AI capabilities. by Raymond Camden / ai, chrome / 7 min read
  • CLI Chatbot with LangChain and OpenAI in Node.js: Want to build a chatbot in your Node.js terminal using JavaScript? We will walk through the most basic scenario when using LangChain and OpenAI. In this guide, we'll walk through creating a simple CLI chatbot using Node.js. You'll learn how to interact with OpenAI's language model and process user input in a terminal-based interface. by Robin Wieruch / ai, langchain, openai / 5 min read
  • CSS Kaleidoscopes: Gradients are so fun, so complex, so powerful. I just can't get enough of messing with them. by Adam Argyle / css / 3 min read
  • A CSS-Only Star Rating Component and More! (Part 1): So great to see what you can do without any JavaScript. by Temani Afif / css / 14 min read

📺 Videos

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Top comments (1)

jderochervlk profile image
Josh Derocher-Vlk

Thanks for calling out ReScript!