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Ushahemba Shir
Ushahemba Shir

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When I started learning how to build websites and develop Applications, I got overwhelmed with the number of Technologies that were at my disposal to choose from. I spent 12 months jumping around different technologies without mastering any. Don't repeat my mistake if you are just starting. Lol
I took pride with the fact that I could easily play around HTML and CSS, then JavaScript came with it headache and I contemplated dumping programming, I felt it probably wasn't meant for people like me, Lol. that story is for another day though.
Along the journey in my career, I came across Technologies that made things even much simpler. Bootstrap (a CSS framework developed by Twitter) for instance will save you the stress of hard coding responsive designs. CMS frameworks like WordPress will save you from hard coding PHP and MySQL database.
In summary, there are several technologies available at your disposal such that you may have headache of which technology to choose from. Before now, I was fond of using the hardest technologies just to boost my ego that, hail, I build this from scratch without any framework. But right now, I go for the simplest technology that can get the problem solved.
Fellow developers might praise you but your client doesn't care or even know about all these technologies. All they want is workable product with nice User Interface. No doubt, all technologies have their advantages and disadvantages, but go for what is simple. If you can access a beautiful template, go ahead and edit it instead of building from scratch.
Ushahemba Shir

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