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Uthman Ehsan
Uthman Ehsan

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Migrations in Laravel

Migrations are like version control for your database, allowing your team to define and share the application's database schema definition.

If you have ever had to tell a teammate to manually add a column to their local database schema after pulling in your changes from source control, you've faced the problem that database migrations solve.

*Making Migrations

One can generate migrations using below artisan commands

 php artisan make:migration create_multisignin_table

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Laravel is smart enough to generate up and down functions under migrations folder with date and migration name under

 database/migrations/2023_09_28_create_multisign_table.php (File)

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with auto code generated for up and down methods.

** Running Migrations
To run all of your outstanding migrations, execute the migrate Artisan command:

 php artisan migrate

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If you created more migrations and they are not migrated yet, to run only a specific migration use this:

php artisan migrate --path=/database/migrations/2023_09_28_create_multisign_table.php
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** Above migrations will only run if there is no entry before in the migrations table.**

*_ Check migrations table , if there is an entry for 2023_09_28_create_multisign_table than this particular migration
wont run at all even running either of above commands. *

In order to run the migration , one has to delete the entry from database manually and execute

 php artisan migrate:refresh

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Happy Coding !

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