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Features of Kubernetes

● AutoScaling: Kubernetes supports two types of autoscaling horizontal and vertical
scaling for large-scale production environments which helps to reduce the downtime of
the applications.
● Auto Healing: Kubernetes supports auto healing which means if the containers fail or
are stopped due to any issues, with the help of Kubernetes components(which will talk in
upcoming days), containers will automatically repaired or heal and run again properly.
● Load Balancing: With the help of load balancing, Kubernetes distributes the traffic
between two or more containers.
● Platform Independent: Kubernetes can work on any type of infrastructure whether it’s
On-premises, Virtual Machines, or any Cloud.
● Fault Tolerance: Kubernetes helps to notify nodes or pods failures and create new pods
or containers as soon as possible
● Rollback: You can switch to the previous version.
● Health Monitoring of Containers: Regularly check the health of the monitor and if any
container fails, create a new container.
● Orchestration: Suppose, three containers are running on different networks
(On-premises, Virtual Machines, and On the Cloud). Kubernetes can create one cluster that has all three running containers from different networks.

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