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Exploring Web Application Firewall Integration Options in Azure

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Web application security is paramount in today's digital landscape, and Web Application Firewalls (WAFs) play a crucial role in safeguarding against cyber threats. In Azure, there are two main approaches to integrating WAFs: Front Door Integration with WAF and Application Gateway with WAF enabled. Let's delve into each option to understand their benefits and implementation.

Understanding WAF Integration Options

Azure offers two primary approaches to integrating WAFs, each with its own set of advantages:

Front Door Integration with WAF

  • Simplified Setup: Integration with Azure Front Door streamlines the process and provides a unified platform for global load balancing and security.
  • Benefits: Enjoy the ease of setup and management, making it ideal for organizations seeking a straightforward solution.
  • Implementation Steps: Follow these steps to integrate Front Door with WAF.
  1. Access Azure portal.
  2. Create a new Azure Front Door resource.
  3. Configure routing rules and enable the built-in WAF.
  4. Associate your web application with the Front Door endpoint.

Application Gateway with WAF Enabled

  • Compatibility: Application Gateway seamlessly integrates with existing Azure resources, with proper prerequisites such as an empty subnet and the use of WAF_v2 SKU.
  • Benefits: Gain granular control and customization options for enhanced security measures.
  • Implementation Steps: Configure Application Gateway with WAF enabled by following these steps.
  1. Access Azure portal.
  2. Create a new Application Gateway resource.
  3. Configure backend pool with your web application servers.
  4. Enable WAF_v2 SKU and customize WAF policies as needed.
  5. Ensure prerequisites such as an empty subnet are in place for seamless integration.

WAF Policies

WAFs provide both default managed policies and custom policies, each serving specific security needs:

  • Default Managed Policy: The default WAF managed policy includes protection against common web vulnerabilities such as SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and HTTP request smuggling, among others. This provides a baseline level of security for your application against known threats.
  • Custom Policy: With custom WAF policies, you can implement additional security measures such as IP and geo restrictions to further fortify your web application against evolving threats.


Choosing the right WAF integration option in Azure is crucial for ensuring the security of your web applications. Whether you opt for Front Door Integration with WAF or Application Gateway with WAF enabled, each approach offers unique benefits tailored to your organization's security requirements. Evaluate your needs carefully and implement the solution that best aligns with your security objectives.

Call to Action

Ready to enhance the security of your web applications in Azure? Explore the WAF integration options discussed in this blog post and take proactive steps to safeguard your digital assets against cyber threats.

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