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Vallabha Here
Vallabha Here

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Ticket Booking System for Movies using Go

Movie Theatre Ticket Booking System Using Golang with Payment Integration


This project is a Movie Theatre Ticket Booking System built using Golang with integrated payment functionality. Users can log in, sign up, view available theatres, book movie tickets, and make payments through the system.


  • Login Route: Allows users to log in using their email and password. Passwords are securely hashed and stored in the database.
  • Sign-Up Route: Users can create an account with a username, email, and password. The password is securely hashed before being stored in the database.
  • All Theatres: Lists all the theatres that the user has created.
  • Add Theatre: Users can add a new theatre to the database.
  • Get Movie List by Theatre: Fetches all available movies for a specific theatre using its ID.
  • Add Movie: Users can add movies to a theatre.
  • Get Available Seats: Lists all available seats for a specific movie using its ID.
  • Lock Seat: This route locks the seat in the database after the user selects and pays for it. The payment is divided into two stages: seat selection and payment.
  • Verify Payment: Confirms payment for the selected seat and sends the seat details to the user.

Future Enhancements

  • Implement middlewares for enhanced security and functionality.
  • Fix the issue with seat timing (currently a bug).
  • Further improvements (e.g., integration of Redis for caching or other optimizations).


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