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Amir Hossein Shekari
Amir Hossein Shekari

Posted on • Originally published at

Boosting VS Code Productivity - Custom Labels for React Component Files

Ever felt like you're drowning in a sea of index.ts files? Trust me, I've been there. Working on a massive React project, I found myself constantly lost in a maze of identical-looking files. But then I stumbled upon a game-changer: VS Code's custom labels feature. Let me tell you how it transformed my coding life.

The Problem with index.ts Overload

Picture this: You're deep in the zone, juggling multiple components, when suddenly you need to find that one specific index.ts file. You open the search bar, and bam! A flood of indistinguishable results. Frustrating, right? That's exactly where I was until I discovered the magic of custom labels.

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Enter Custom Labels

So, what's the deal with these custom labels? In a nutshell, they're VS Code's way of letting you personalize how file names appear in your editor tabs and search bar. For us React devs drowning in index.ts files, it's like throwing us a lifeline.

Setting Up Custom Labels Step by Step

1. Enable Custom Labels

First, you'll need to enable custom labels in your VS Code settings. Just add this line to your settings.json:

"workbench.editor.customLabels.enabled": true
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2. Define Patterns for index.ts Files

Now, here's where the real magic happens. Add this bit to tell VS Code to replace those generic index.ts names with their parent directory names:

"workbench.editor.customLabels.patterns": {
  "**/index.{ts,js,tsx,jsx}": "${dirname}"
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3. Customize for Specific Directories

If you're like me and have a specific folder where all your components live, you can target just that directory:

"workbench.editor.customLabels.patterns": {
  "components/*/index.{ts,js,tsx,jsx}": "${dirname}"
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The Benefits of Custom Labels

  1. Increased Readability: Instead of a sea of index.tsx tabs, you'll see "Button", "Header", and so on. It's like your editor suddenly learned to speak your language!

  2. Efficient Searching: Searching for specific components became a breeze.

  3. Reduced Mental Load: No more second-guessing which index.ts I was looking at.

So, fellow coders, if you're tired of playing "Where's Waldo?" with your index.ts files, give custom labels a shot. It's a small change that packs a big punch in your daily coding life. Trust me, your future self will thank you!

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