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Cover image for Difference b/w & for...of
Vansh Sharma
Vansh Sharma

Posted on • Originally published at

Difference b/w & for...of

The distinction between the and for..of methods of arrays in JavaScript will be discussed in this blog.

These methods are a simplified form of the actual for loop, however they should not be used in place of the standard for loop.

  • for loop
for( let i=0; i<length; i++) 
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This is the standard for loop which iterates over the length and returns i .

  • loop


Synatx: for( let key in obj)

👉 It is for iterating over the "enumerable" properties of an object.

👉 It gives us the keys/properties of an object.

👉 It is mostly used with objects.

👉 It does not have a specific order of execution.

  • for...of loop

carbon (1).png

Synatx: for(let value of array)

👉 It is used to iterate over "iterable".

👉 It is mostly used with strings and arrays

👉 It does not work with objects as they are not

❤️// 👍

This topic had always been a source of uncertainty for me, so I decided to write a blog on it in order to learn more about it so that I might help someone else who was in the same boat.

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