Payilagam Day:09 : 25-Feb-2025
Topic: Learn Frontend with a cloning project
Today we are going to see about the frontend development techniques.
Frontend is also known as Client-Side technology.
In the Web-Development there are two major phases are dominate the entire Web technology.
One is Server-Side Technology, and we will discuss about this in future.
Another one is Client-Side Technology.
What is front-end or Client-Side ?
When we request a resource to a server via internet, the response of the server may differs according to our request.
One of the response types are HTML, CSS, Javascript files. These files are called as front-end technologies.
These files are responded by the server and runs on our local computer.
When you think of it,
-> we are the clients that request a resource to a server via internet.(we are the clients or our machine is the frontend of the connected server)
-> the server responded to our requests is backend.
I hope, now you understand the term difference between the front-end & Client-Side technologies.
And now come to our topic, the popular front-end technologies are HTML (v5), CSS (v3), JS (ECMAScript 2024).
HTML - It defines the actual structure of an Web Page. Without This we cannot define the website contents.
HTML - Hypertext markup Language.
CSS - Style the website with changes in their height, width, color, background color, background image, animations, transitions. These are only defined CSS.
CSS - Cascading Style Sheets.
JS - Javascript is the actual brain behind the website. If a website is interact with us using any action(note: any action), it definitely tuned with Javascript.
JS - Javascript(Vanilla Javascript)
These are the underlying things in the web page development.
We will discuss further topics in the upcoming blogs.
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