DEV Community

Vasudevan Tamilarasan
Vasudevan Tamilarasan

Posted on

Javascript Function

  1. document.getElementById():
    It is one of the most common was to select a single element in HTML DOM by its id.

  2. document.getElementByClassName():
    Its used to select the elements that have the specified class name.

  3. document.getElementByTagName():
    It returns an HTML collection of all element in the document that have the specific tag name.

  4. document.QuerySelector():
    It returns the first element within the document that matches the specified css selector.

  5. document.CreateElement():
    Its a method of the document object that create a new element node with the specified tag name.

  6. PraseInt():
    It parses the string element element and returns the integer

  7. praseFloat():
    This function parses a string and returns a floating-point number.

  8. bind():
    Like to putting the sticky note on the function that remember this specific thing.

  9. array.push():
    Adds something to the end of the list.

  10. arrray.pop():
    Removes last thing from the list.

  11. max():
    It act like toolbox inside the math tools inside

  12. Math.abs():
    Makes a number positive

  13. document.getRootNode():
    Finds the very top of HTML tree on a webpage

  14. getSolution():
    Its is used to solve a specific problem

  15. console.error():
    prints error message to the console.

  16. array.sort():
    puts a list in order

  17. array.shift():
    Removes the first thing from a list(array)

  18. unshift():
    Adds something to the beginning of a list.

  19. document.addEvenListener():
    Listens for something to happen on a webpage and then does something

  20. eval():
    Runs code that is inside a string.

  21. escape():
    Encodes a string for safe travel on the internet

  22. sum():
    Adds number together

  23. document.right():
    writes something directly onto the webpage.

  24. array.length():
    It tells you how many things are in the list

  25. console.log():
    It prints the argument to the console.

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