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Vaibhav thakur
Vaibhav thakur

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GitHub Follow-Back Checker: Find Who Hasn't Followed You Back

Have you ever wondered how many people you follow on GitHub but haven’t followed you back? Well, you can manually check, but that’s time-consuming. Instead, let's automate it with GitHub API and JavaScript!

This guide will help you build a GitHub Follow-Back Checker using JavaScript, which will:
✅ Fetch your followers and following lists.

✅ Identify users who haven't followed you back.

✅ Display both follow-back and not-following-back users.

✅ Run in Node.js or directly in the browser console.

Let's get started! 🚀

🔑 Step 1: Generate a GitHub Personal Access Token (PAT)

Since GitHub API requires authentication, we need a Personal Access Token (PAT).

  1. Go to GitHub Token Settings.
  2. Click "Generate new token".
  3. Select the scope "read:user".
  4. Copy and save the token (it will only be shown once!).

📥 Step 2: Clone the Repository

git clone
cd github-followback-checker
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📌 Step 3: JavaScript Code (GitHub API)

Create a file github-follow-check.js and add the following script:

const GITHUB_USERNAME = "your-username"; // 🔹 Replace with your GitHub username
const GITHUB_TOKEN = "your-personal-access-token"; // 🔹 Replace with your GitHub token

const API_URL = "";

async function fetchGitHubData(endpoint) {
    let users = [];
    let page = 1;

    while (true) {
        const response = await fetch(`${API_URL}/users/${GITHUB_USERNAME}/${endpoint}?per_page=100&page=${page}`, {
            headers: { Authorization: `token ${GITHUB_TOKEN}` }

        if (!response.ok) {
            console.error(`Error fetching ${endpoint}:`, response.statusText);
            return [];

        const data = await response.json();
        if (data.length === 0) break;

        users = users.concat( => user.login));
    return users;

async function checkFollowBack() {
    const following = await fetchGitHubData("following");
    const followers = await fetchGitHubData("followers");

    const notFollowingBack = following.filter(user => !followers.includes(user));
    const followingBack = following.filter(user => followers.includes(user));

    console.log("\n✅ These users have followed you back:");
    followingBack.forEach(user => console.log(`- ${user}`));

    console.log("\n❌ These users haven't followed you back:");
    if (notFollowingBack.length > 0) {
        notFollowingBack.forEach(user => console.log(`- ${user}`));
    } else {
        console.log("🎉 Everyone you follow has followed you back!");

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🚀 Step 4: Running the Script

Option 1: Run in Node.js

node github-follow-check.js
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Option 2: Run in Browser Console

  1. Open GitHub and log in.
  2. Press F12 to open the Developer Console.
  3. Copy-paste the script above.
  4. Press Enter to execute.

🎯 Expected Output

If some users haven't followed you back:

✅ These users have followed you back:
- user1
- user2
- user3

❌ These users haven't followed you back:
- user4
- user5
- user6
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If everyone has followed you back:

✅ These users have followed you back:
- user1
- user2
- user3
- user4

🎉 Everyone you follow has followed you back!
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🔥 Conclusion

This GitHub Follow-Back Checker automates the tedious task of checking who hasn’t followed you back. It's a great example of using GitHub API, JavaScript, and Node.js together.

📌 Want more features? You can extend this script to:

  • Export data to CSV for easy tracking.
  • Send alerts via email/notification when someone unfollows you.
  • Build a web interface to visualize the data.

💡 Feel free to contribute to the project! Happy coding! 🚀

💬 Share Your Thoughts!

Did you find this tool helpful? Have suggestions for improvements? Drop a comment below or connect with me on GitHub! 😊

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