DEV Community

Victor Gentle
Victor Gentle

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Linux User Creation Bash Script

As part of the HNG Internship program, we were tasked with creating a bash script named to automate the creation of new users and groups on a Linux system.
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This script,, automates the creation of users and their associated groups, sets up their home directories, generates random passwords, and logs all actions. The script reads from a specified text file containing usernames and group names.


  • The script must be run with root privileges.
  • Ensure the input file with usernames and groups is formatted correctly and exists.

Input File Format

Each line in the input file should be formatted as follows:

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Script Steps

Check Root Privileges:

  • if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]
  • The script starts by checking if it is being run as the root user.
  • This is necessary because creating users and modifying system files requires root privileges.
  • This ensures that the script has the necessary permissions to perform its tasks.

Validate Input File:

  • if [[ -z "$1" ]]; then echo "Usage: $0 " >&2
  • The script checks if the input file is provided as an argument and whether it exists.

Setup Logging and Password Files:

The script sets up the log file and the password file. It ensures the directories exist and sets appropriate permissions for the password file

  • mkdir -p: Ensures the directories exist.
  • > "$LOG_FILE" and > "$PASSWORD_FILE": Create or clear the log and password files.
  • chmod 600 "$PASSWORD_FILE": Ensures that only the owner can read the password file, enhancing security.

Generate Passwords:

  • generate_password() { < /dev/urandom tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 | head -c12
  • The script defines a function to generate random passwords for the new users.

Log Messages:

  • log_message() { local message="$1" echo "$(date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') : $message" >> "$LOG_FILE"
  • The script defines a function to log messages with timestamps.
  • This provides a way to track actions performed by the script, useful for auditing and debugging.

Process Each Line:

The script reads and processes each line from the input file, creating users and groups, setting up home directories, generating passwords, and logging actions.

  • IFS=';' read -r username groups: Reads the username and groups from each line.
  • username=$(echo "$username" | xargs) and groups=$(echo "$groups" | xargs): Removes leading/trailing whitespace.
  • getent group "$username": Checks if the user's personal group exists; creates it if it doesn't.
  • id "$username": Checks if the user already exists.
  • password=$(generate_password): Generates a random password for the user.
  • useradd -m -g "$username" -s /bin/bash "$username": Creates the user with the specified home directory and personal group.
  • echo "$username:$password" | chpasswd: Sets the user's password.
  • IFS=',' read -r -a group_array <<< "$groups": Splits the groups into an array.
  • groupadd "$group": Creates additional groups if they don't exist.
  • usermod -aG "$group" "$username": Adds the user to the additional groups.

Final Message:

  • log_message "User creation script completed successfully" echo "User creation script completed. Check the log file at $LOG_FILE and passwords at $PASSWORD_FILE."
  • The script logs a completion message and prints a final status to the console.
  • Notifies the user of the script's completion and provides locations for the log and password files.


Save the script as and make it executable:

chmod +x
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Run the script with the user file as an argument:

sudo ./ <name-of-text-file>
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Logs and Password Storage

  • Log File: /var/log/user_management.log contains logs of all actions performed.
  • Password File: /var/secure/user_passwords.csv stores the generated passwords securely.

Example User File

Create a file named user_list.txt with the following content:

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Run the script

sudo ./ user_list.txt
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This script ensures that users and groups are created as specified, with appropriate permissions and logging.

Learn More About HNG Internship

The HNG Internship is a remote internship program designed to find and develop the most talented software developers. It offers a stimulating environment for interns to improve their skills and showcase their abilities through real-world tasks.

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