I want to answer this in case someone else is going through the same madness I was yesterday morning. Found very little information on the internet so I want to share this with you here.
Before getting into the guide I want to thank Phanaz whose answer on serverfault helped crack the answer to this riddle.
If Google or GPT haven't helped, I hope this does!
I assume that you already tried to change your port in ssh_cofnig
, sshd_config
and it hasn't worked. That's because Ubuntu 24.04 want's things done differently and I'm not going to pretend I know why.
Comment out the port section for starters if you have them uncommented.
Instead go to
In there you should have the ssh.socket
Edit ssh.socket
with sudo nano or whatever your favourite editor. You should see:
Description=OpenBSD Secure Shell server socket
Before=sockets.target ssh.service
Change this to:
Description=OpenBSD Secure Shell server socket
Before=sockets.target ssh.service
Now save the file and update the daemon by running systemctl daemon-reload
Then systemctl restart ssh.socket
to finalise everything.
Try in the reverse order e.g. systemctl restart ssh.socket
then systemctl daemon-reload
if you get any errors. It was very early morning and my notes are unclear.
Finally check with systemctl status ssh.socket
- if it shows running and enabled, the rest of your ssh configuration is also fine, this should work.
This worked for me and I hope it does for you too. First time I write in a forum. Always thought it was for crazies and maybe I am a crazy after this debacle. But I don't want anyone else going through this, Cursing Google, GPT and their life at 4 in the morning.
Cheers π»
Top comments (1)
very gud very well done