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What Are Your Plans for 2020?

First of all, Happy New Year's Eve! 🎉🎉🎉 As for those of you already in 2020, Happy New Year!

Over this past year, I've learned so much about software development, and improved my skills as a developer. However as we move into the new year, I feel it's important to have a (general) idea of what I plan to accomplish and learn.

I've outlined a few rough goals I aim to accomplish in this fast-approaching new year:

  • Learn game development with Unity, and possibly launching some kind of small indie game.
  • Continue learning language design / compiler design.
  • Incorporate machine learning into a project in some way.
  • Step up my development skills by learning and implementing more design patterns.

I'd love to hear your goals for the new year!

Top comments (6)

hakanu_ profile image
Hakan Uysal
  • More open sourcing!
    • Planning to bootstrap my code search tool.
    • Move all my knowledge base to my own note taking app and if possible make a managed version of the app
  • Learn angular
  • Learn tensorflow2
  • Learn pytorch
  • Write at least 1 blog post per week.
mojjammil profile image
Mojjammil Khandker | Tanzil

Given tech scene is ever evolving, I always have a hard time making longer term goals when it comes to developing tech skills. Hence my goals for beginning of 2020 (Perhaps first half of it) is to become proficient with DevOps tools and dive into machine learning projects.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Everything for me revolves around rhythm, organization and time management. It all flows down hill from there.

mehdico profile image
Mehdi Mousavi • Edited

Defense my country (Iran) against US army. ‌¯‌\‌(ツ)/¯

theague profile image
Kody James Ague

Continue learning. 2020 will be a big year for me with some exciting stuff happening soon in my personal life!

timjkstrickland profile image
Tim JK Strickland

WebAssembly + Rust. Just the examples are jaw-droppingly cool.