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Vitor Azevedo
Vitor Azevedo

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Prioritizing Like a Pro: The Triage Method for Managing Your Work

In an emergency room (ER), medical professionals are often faced with an overwhelming number of patients needing immediate attention. Not every case, however, is treated equally. Medics use a process called triage to prioritize patients based on the severity of their condition, ensuring that those who need life-saving interventions are treated first, while others with less critical conditions can wait.

This same triage principle can be applied to software development and project management. As developers, we often juggle multiple tasks, requests, and bugs all at once. Without a system to prioritize, everything may feel urgent, leading to stress, inefficiency, and lower-quality work. By adopting a triage mindset, you can learn to manage your workload more effectively, avoid burnout, and deliver better results.

Understanding the Triage Method

In the medical field, triage is a color-coded system that categorizes patients based on the urgency of their needs:

  • Red (Life-Threatening): Requires immediate attention to prevent loss of life.
  • Orange (Serious but Not Immediately Life-Threatening): Needs attention soon but not at the expense of the most critical cases.
  • Green (Non-Life-Threatening): Can wait without significant risk or harm.

This system allows medical professionals to focus on saving lives without getting overwhelmed by the volume of patients. The same logic can be applied in software development.

Applying the Triage Method to Software Development

Software projects often come with a constant influx of tasks: new features, bug fixes, customer requests, and technical debt. Without a prioritization system, it's easy to fall into the trap of treating everything as a "Red" emergency. The consequences? Stress, missed deadlines, and ultimately, lower quality work.
By using a triage approach, you can categorize tasks and manage your workload with greater clarity.

1. Red (Critical, Blocking Issues)

Just as a medic would prioritize life-threatening injuries, in software development, you should focus first on critical bugs or blockers that have a direct, significant impact on the system or users. These tasks must be addressed immediately to avoid a total failure or severe disruption in service.


  • A server outage that brings down a critical application.
  • A security vulnerability that puts user data at risk.
  • Bugs that prevent customers from using essential features.

When a "Red" task arises, it becomes your top priority, even if it means temporarily setting aside other work.

2. Orange (Important but Not Urgent)

"Orange" tasks are significant but not urgent enough to drop everything. In a hospital, these would be patients with serious injuries that require treatment soon but aren't immediately life-threatening. In the development world, these might include bugs or feature requests that are important but do not immediately affect core functionality or overall project progress.


  • A slow performance issue affecting a non-critical part of your app.
  • A feature enhancement requested by a customer that could improve usability but isn't essential.
  • Refactoring parts of the codebase to improve maintainability.

You should allocate time for these tasks after you've handled any "Red" items. Managing "Orange" tasks ensures that your product improves over time without leaving critical issues unaddressed.

3. Green (Low-Priority Tasks)

"Green" tasks, much like non-urgent patients in an ER, are important but do not require immediate attention. These could be nice-to-have features, minor bugs, or internal improvements that, while beneficial, do not impact current deliverables or project success.


  • Adding an optional feature to improve user experience.
  • Minor code cleanups or refactoring that doesn't affect performance or reliability.
  • Updating documentation for internal use.

While it's tempting to work on "Green" tasks because they may feel more enjoyable or manageable, remember that they should only be tackled when higher-priority work is under control. This helps you avoid wasting time on tasks that do not directly contribute to your project's success.

The Risks of Treating Everything as "Red"

In software development, treating every task as a "Red" critical issue is a fast track to burnout. If you constantly jump from one "urgent" task to another, you'll likely experience the following:

  • High Stress: Operating in a perpetual state of urgency increases stress, which can impact your mental health and reduce your ability to make clear, strategic decisions.
  • Decreased Focus: When everything is urgent, you lose focus. Multitasking becomes the norm, which leads to inefficiency and a higher likelihood of mistakes.
  • Lower Quality Work: Constantly rushing to meet "urgent" demands often results in work that is rushed, unpolished, or full of errors.

The Myth of Multitasking

Many developers fall into the trap of believing that multitasking is a solution to juggling multiple responsibilities. However, studies have shown that multitasking can lead to reduced productivity, lower quality work, and increased stress. When you try to handle too many things at once, your brain has to switch context frequently, which takes time and mental energy.

By embracing the triage method, you can move away from multitasking and focus on one priority task at a time. This allows you to give your full attention to the most important issue, resulting in higher-quality work and faster problem-solving.

How to Implement Triage in Your Daily Work

Assess the Situation: When a new task or issue arises, don't immediately jump to solve it. Take a moment to assess its priority level. Is this a "Red" issue that needs immediate attention? Can it wait until other critical work is complete?

Communicate Priorities: Make sure your team is aligned on the priority of tasks. If everyone understands what is "Red," "Orange," and "Green," it becomes easier to focus on the most important work without distraction.

Time Management: Allocate your time according to the triage priorities. Spend the bulk of your day addressing "Red" and "Orange" tasks. Reserve "Green" tasks for downtime or less intense periods.
Reassess Regularly: Triage is a dynamic process. As new tasks come in, re-evaluate the priority of your work. Something that was "Orange" yesterday might become "Red" today due to new circumstances.


By adopting the triage method in your software development workflow, you can prioritize effectively, reduce stress, and produce higher-quality work. Not every task is a "Red" emergency, and treating everything as such can quickly overwhelm you and your team. Instead, learn to categorize your work, focus on what truly matters, and tackle each task with clarity and purpose.

Remember, sometimes it's not about doing more things at once, but about doing the most important things well.

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