So am on this quest to learn how to use graphql with flutter. And even the library says it's pretty straight forward to implement it, I ran into a strange issue recently.
The strange thing is that while using the debug apk, graphql works nicely. Once I make a build it stops working.
After a lot of time spent :'( I saw that the APIs are not being hit. Thank you Heroku for the application logs. A
Apparently you have to add the INTERNET permission in the AndroidManifest.xml file under app/src/main. So if anyone is facing the same issue just add this line in the file
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
P.S. It's strange REST never threw this error.
Top comments (3)
this it so common issue with android stuff. Especially when learning it
True ... I was wondering why this didn't come up while using REST
It comes in REST too unless you have already asked for the permission