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Cover image for How are you going to chill this weekend? πŸ–
Vitor Paladini
Vitor Paladini

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How are you going to chill this weekend? πŸ–

Ahh, Friday at last.

A fair amount of rest and relaxation can improve your mood and make you even more productive, so be sure to have some leisure time this weekend if you're able to.

With that in mind, tell me how you'll take your mind off work this weekend πŸ˜„

Top comments (28)

panditapan profile image

I want to play unstable unicorns with my family, play with my parent's dog, play epic 7, draw a little but... I'll probably end up just sleeping away the weekend as I always do xD

I might get some drawing done cause I'm learning a little bit about perspective from a book and I'm actually having fun with it :3

vtrpldn profile image
Vitor Paladini

If that game plays as fun as it sounds I'm sure you'll have a great time! No shame in getting enough sleep as well, gotta do that self-care 😴

panditapan profile image

it is fun!! I recommend it, especially for big groups. There are several expansion packs that we want to try out but the base game itself is pretty fun already :D

Thread Thread
vtrpldn profile image
Vitor Paladini

I love card/board games but with since covid started my opportunities to play with friends pretty much ceased. I'll keep that game in mind next time I'm looking for a new one to buy πŸ¦„πŸ¦„πŸ¦„

graciegregory profile image
Gracie Gregory (she/her) • Edited

I live in Portland, Oregon in the U.S. and our state (and almost the entire West Coast) is suffering from awful wildfires. We are packed and ready to evacuate at a moment's notice!

With that being said, I intend to find ways to unwind in spite of the stress whenever I can. Lucky to have an indoor spin bike so as long as we can stay here, I'll be using that! I'm also going to go to the library and try some sculpting :)

vtrpldn profile image
Vitor Paladini • Edited

I'm sorry to hear that, Gracie. I've seen the news about it and the situation looks pretty dire, I hope that the fire subsides and that you and everyone around you stay safe!

And props to you for having a spin bike at home and actually using it for exercise instead of as a clothes hanger πŸ˜„

graciegregory profile image
Gracie Gregory (she/her)

Thank you! ❀️

And it's a "hybrid" model: both an exercise machine and a clothes-hanger

margo_hdb profile image
Margo McCabe

So sorry to hear! We have friends in the same boat. Stay safe!

graciegregory profile image
Gracie Gregory (she/her)

Thank you! Keeping your friends in my thoughts!

margo_hdb profile image
Margo McCabe

Sounds weird but deep cleaning the house! Haven't done it in a while and I feel so relaxed after πŸ˜„

praneetloke profile image
Praneet Loke

I'll +1 that. Just came back from the manual car wash. Now it's time to do the house.

margo_hdb profile image
Margo McCabe

It's the best feeling!

vtrpldn profile image
Vitor Paladini

That doesn't sound like the textbook definition of relaxation but definitely not weird πŸ˜„

There is joy in feeling super tired but also super happy with a sparkling clean home.

margo_hdb profile image
Margo McCabe

Haha yes exactly, you get it!

vtrpldn profile image
Vitor Paladini

I know that I'll enjoy an amazing Brazilian Barbecue with my family and get plenty of sunlight. β˜€οΈ

jubileujulia profile image
Julia Jubileu

Same here! I'm loving this mini-summer in the middle of the winter 😁

vtrpldn profile image
Vitor Paladini

Yeah! A mild winter-summer is a much more pleasant kind of heat than our crazy hot summer-summer haha

kretaceous profile image
Abhijit Hota

This comment section is so wholesome!

michaelphipps profile image

I am exploring writing a pinball game in javascript.

michaelphipps profile image

So I ended up trying to make a ramp generator because trying to make ramps in blender was driving me nuts. I don't want to learn how to use blender!
Screenshot of the Ramp Generator
I'm using ExtrudeBufferGeometry with a Cubic Bezier Curve in three.js. I don't like the way it twists the shape, (I want the ramp surface and walls to stay horizontal) so I might end up modifying ExtrudeBufferGeometry or writing my own version.

fischgeek profile image

Building shelves and more episodes of The Great British Baking Show.

vtrpldn profile image
Vitor Paladini • Edited

Building shelves as in woodworking? That sounds rad! In my personal experience programmers that have some kind of hands-on DIY hobby seem happier

fischgeek profile image

Yep! Helping a friend hang some custom built shelves in his garage. Apparently he liked mine so much he wanted some too. I love wood working, car mechanics programming and long walks down every aisle at Target with the wife. ;)

Thread Thread
vtrpldn profile image
Vitor Paladini

I can see myself getting into wood working in the future! I miss being creative with real-life stuff but that is a hard hobby to manage while living in a small apartment, haha.

I also partake in that kind of retail marathon, my wife and I always write a shopping list before going out for groceries but every time we get lost in that sea of aisles and spend hours wandering through the store. It is one of the joys of adult life, I guess πŸ˜„

spez profile image
while(weekend) {
king11 profile image
Lakshya Singh

Gonna Watch Back to the Future Movie Part 2 and play Just Cause 3 πŸ˜„

andrewbaisden profile image
Andrew Baisden

Playstation and Anime.

dan0nchik profile image
Daniel Khromov

Hah, Friday...... We have school lessons on Saturdays πŸ¦„