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What's that piece of code that you have to Google *every time*?

Vitor Paladini on August 03, 2020

"Is it .splice(), .slice() or .explode()?"

madza profile image


vtrpldn profile image
Vitor Paladini

regex is a classic, I've been through the whole HackerRank's regex course last year but still find myself searching for specific regex patterns

madza profile image
Madza • Edited

Exactly, I was considering to learn everything there is on it (like taking some advanced course or smth), tho I decided not to. While you know what you can do with it and it's use cases, you can quickly search it up thanks to sites like RegExr and Regex101.

andrewbaisden profile image
Andrew Baisden

Even now I don't know it that well I have to constantly keep googling it to remember different patterns. If we used it day to day then I think we would learn it better. I watched a video where a developer was using regex for daily productivity.

nickfazzpdx profile image
Nicholas Fazzolari

Yup. Same.

____marcell profile image
Marcell Cruz

Regular expressions in general, i've used to do the same for reduce but then I saw one definition that I always remember

vtrpldn profile image
Vitor Paladini

Reduce argument order was a common search for me as well, but repeating "prev, curr, ind, arr" a million times eventually made me learn it 😄

____marcell profile image
Marcell Cruz

"acc, item".. was the one that done it for me, I don't know why I always found it "prev" wierd, like, it's not the previous value is the accumulation of the previous values, I know that you can argue that "prev" means the previous returned value, but I always got confused because of this 😄 it's funny how much naming is important in programming and how different people have a different understanding of the names

unfor19 profile image
Meir Gabay

I use constantly

klaudiomilankovic profile image
Klaudio Milankovic

How to make a triangle in CSS. You know those that you apply on :after.

isamrish profile image
Amrish Kushwaha

always googled :)

bradtaniguchi profile image

Not sure if you can call it "code", but I need to lookup css all the time.

vtrpldn profile image
Vitor Paladini

CSS might not be a programming language but it is a kind of code nonetheless 🙂

One CSS thing that I always search for is gradients syntax and display: grid stuff

perpetual_education profile image
perpetual . education

It's totally a programming language... / but - it's ok if you don't agree.

background-image: url($url); - is a function that goes and sends an HTTP request for an image based on an argument.

perpetual_education profile image
perpetual . education

CSS in general probably doesn't count - because it's like - an entire language / but "Is it text-decoration or font-style...?" - is surely what this discussion is about! haha

vtrpldn profile image
Vitor Paladini

It does count, yes! 😄

For me if it is a matter of property name DevTools suggestions works great. But if it is a whole concept like Grid, Gradients or Flexbox, then I have to search it

jsn1nj4 profile image
Elliot Derhay

For PHP in general, DateTime, DateTimezone, and how to create a format string for the DateTime::format() method.

For WordPress, the parameters for wp_enqueue_script() and wp_enqueue_style().

eberreta profile image
Eber Reta

I also always look for Datetime and strtotime function in PHP 🤣

mumingazi profile image
Mumin Gazi

Space in html :/

firzenyogesh profile image
Yogesh S

Its the kind of thing, you tend to forget all the time 😂😂

vepo profile image
Victor Osório • Edited

No-Break-SPace =>  

mumingazi profile image
Mumin Gazi

Now that is helpful. Thanks!

elmuerte profile image
Michiel Hendriks • Edited

That and String.format when it's not a simple %s

bjorngrunde profile image
Björn Grunde

Every single haystack/needle argument order for any PHP function that uses them.
I mean did the core team meeting go like:
Dev1: Hey let's decide the order for arguments in array functions.
Dev1: I think we should use the order; needle, haystack, optional.
Dev2: That's not fun. Let the order always be random, also let's make those functions also solve several problems at once so we can have more arguments thrown in.
Rest of devs: Applauds

btlm profile image

I google for for loop syntax every time I switch technologies I use. I used to develop application in PHP with Twig templating, now I work in Node.js and Angular. The hardest thing to remember is when to type in or of :D

{% for user in users %} - in Twig we have in <array>

*ngFor="let item of items" - in Angular we have of <array>


vtrpldn profile image
Vitor Paladini

It makes me happy to know that some things never change, haha.

andrematias profile image
André Matias

Always is the datetime UNIX formats. I just don't get this hehe.

vtrpldn profile image
Vitor Paladini

I've come to a conclusion that, no mater how experienced you are, dealing with Date always require some hours of googling.

daniel13rady profile image
Daniel Brady

Centering a div in CSS.

habereder profile image
Raphael Habereder • Edited
new MessageFormat("I just want to format {0} {1}").format("strings","easily");

Every damn time :D I just can't remember it, but need it so often.
LocalDate is a great candidate was well. I still use my Calendar until I remember there's something newer/fancier with LocalDate

mdamaceno profile image
Marco Damaceno

JavaScript slice and indexOf.
PHP map, filter and reduce. I always forget the order of the arguments.

pranid profile image
Praneeth Nidarshan

Regex 😁

dmahely profile image
Doaa Mahely

Literally all string and array functions since I switch between 3 languages a day. My latest one was the syntax for uppercasing a string in JavaScript.

vtrpldn profile image
Vitor Paladini • Edited

I still have some muscle memory from PHP times so I always try Array.explode() and wonder why it is not working before remembering that it's Array.split() in JS 😩

wulymammoth profile image

LOL! I hadn't worked in PHP in so long and I've completely forgotten about this.

But now it's a bit of a solved problem unless you're using an old editor like Notepad++, Sublime, or Atom. The editors that are timeless (sans Notepad++, and emacs), all seem to have decent LSP (language server protocol) support now to provide "intellisense" for auto-completion and linting at minimum.

rembrandtreyes profile image
Rembrandt Reyes (He/Him)

for...of vs

dploeger profile image
Dennis Ploeger

Even basic jq filters. That tool is so powerful and awesome, but also a major brainfuck. 😊

harleybl profile image

This isn't just a #beginners thing. I've been developing for a long time but have mental blocks with certain syntax. I was just writing up a post about the things I have to look up all the time.
For Typescript/Javascript I never remember when to do 'for of' or 'for in' when iterating an array or iterable. No matter what language I am writing in I wind up having to look up the syntax for initializing a Map or Dictionary with a bunch of values.

vtrpldn profile image
Vitor Paladini • Edited

Indeed not a #beginners only thing! My reasoning behind the tag is so that junior devs can see that it is perfectly normal to search for code 😄

I decided to post this question when I realised that despite having 10 years experience making websites I still need to Google how to add a .css file with <link />

wulymammoth profile image

We lose what we don't use

abdisalan_js profile image

unzipping tar.gzip files 🙃

unfor19 profile image
Meir Gabay

I remember it as - tar extract gZip file
tar -xzf myfile.tgz

mariofix profile image
Mario Hernandez

Hahhaha yes! Same here.

ferdnyc profile image
Frank Dana

The simplest/stupidest? Bash operator precedence. I have to check Every. Time. But only because it's so weird and stupid! Whoever did this is a sociopath:

Of these list operators, && and || have equal precedence, followed by ; and &, which have equal precedence.

moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair

Anything in PHP that has a haystack and a needle, and the order of arguments for array_map and array_filter. All I remember is that they're different.

bobbyiliev profile image
Bobby Iliev • Edited

A quick way to kill all sleeping MySQL connections, I've finally put a one-liner together and saved it here.

mdev88 profile image
Martín Vukovic

Freaking Adapters in Android.

unfor19 profile image
Meir Gabay

Bash, command line arguments while case esac

mouseannoying profile image
Dominic Myers

Converting an indexOf to a Boolean in JS, every time!

adron profile image
Adron Hall

Not code, but the switches for keygen to get the ssh key setup for ya know, everything.

sqlrob profile image
Robert Myers

Ditto. I think part of the reason is I rarely do it. I set up a machine then use it for a long time. Fresh machine and it's Google time to get the key generated and the agent working with git properly.

adron profile image
Adron Hall

Exactly, same thing for me. I know the command, I know the switches I want, I just don't always remember the specifics of em'! :)

ntvinhit profile image
Nguyễn Trọng Vĩnh

Yes, splice and slice, so confused.

maymeow profile image
May Meow

regex ...

aralovelace profile image
April Smith

Regex, and object/array sorting

aroman012 profile image
Alejandro Roman

"C string" and I always forget to do it when no one else is near

hemant profile image
Hemant Joshi

Every CSS code is copied from Google in my case🤒

alexandrecoin profile image
Alexandre C.

How to link a CSS file to a HTML one... Gets me every time. 😔

cannuhlar profile image
Can Nuhlar

jquery on document ready...

jethromay profile image
Jethro May

Yeah, I can never remember this!

vdedodev profile image
Vincent Dedo

Usually git commands I use once every 6 months as well as string and datetime formatting.

perpetual_education profile image
perpetual . education

"metaviewport" tag - but we use textExpander now... so - yeah. Also "box-sizing paul irish"

bronxsystem profile image

git revert

celestialmusa profile image
Zacharia Manyoni

CSS pseudo classes and their selectors, almost every time!

kingleo10 profile image
Niroj Dahal

JavaScript... getting date,month,year part from a Date .

eberreta profile image
Eber Reta

Laravel validation rules

vepo profile image
Victor Osório

How to read a file in Java line by line.

nikhilgautam21 profile image
Nikhil Gautam

I used to switch a lot between ruby and JS. Since then I started using capitalize method from ruby in JS. Every single time I have to search why it is not working. facepalm

mutale85 profile image

Bootstrap navigation...

pj profile image
Paul Johnson

strftime and strptime in python, every single time. Surely there must be something better than formatting and parsing by arbitrary string formats...

jessekphillips profile image
Jesse Phillips

I think I'm finally over it, but declaring properties in c#.

merri profile image
Vesa Piittinen

-webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;

c7tt8nt2p profile image

isEmpty() and isBlank() of StringUtils in Java.

mariofix profile image
Mario Hernandez

DateFormats, I forget about them all the time.

Oh, and the init stuff for git

raspikabek profile image
Eduardo Asenjo

Anything related with dates... in any language. Just to make 100% I'm no messing up any timezone.

shubhamverma profile image
Shubham Verma

Javascript slice, splice, substr, substring, str

harrisgeo88 profile image
Harris Geo 👨🏻‍💻

Date today in YYYY-MM-DD format 😖

jmitchell38488 profile image
Justin Mitchell

Basically any PHP function as every like function is back to front, so glad I'm not using that anymore

alexantra profile image
Alex Antra


mateusrangel profile image
Mateus Rangel

Count number of files within a directory in Linux

chrisvneal profile image
Chris Neal

Oh boy, deleting remote branches via git gets me everytime

jonoyeong profile image
Jonathan Yeong

CSS Flexbox, every single time. Honestly, I should just bookmark this page:

jvarness profile image
Jake Varness

Not really code per se, but the debugging arguments for enabling remote debugging on the JVM. Why can they just have a simpler argument like -DremoteDebug.enable or something??

code_rams profile image
Ramya Chinnadurai • Edited

Regex. Every time I use while coming to regex.

thetinygoat profile image
Sachin Saini 🦄

regex, centering a div, C++ STL functions, string methods, and I don't know what else.

keltroth profile image
Django Janny

Let me check on google, I can't remember it :)